Chapter five

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the village, a heavy feeling of foreboding settled upon her. Doubts crept into her mind, echoing the concerns voiced by Temi. She forcefully pushed those thoughts aside, determined to maintain an optimistic outlook, even though the initial impression of the village offered little reason for optimism. Thick undergrowth and overgrown bushes dominated the landscape, obscuring the few scattered houses that stood in their path. The bus they had traveled in had reached its limit, leaving them with no choice but to embark on a trek that lasted nearly two hours before finally arriving at the village.

Amidst the complaints from the students, particularly the high-class ones, she noticed the weariness etched on their faces. Her own feet ached with each step, and she couldn't help but worry about Temi, who appeared drained and exhausted, as if deprived of vital energy. Concern filled her gaze as she glanced at Chike, who surprisingly seemed unaffected by the arduous journey, despite nursing injuries inflicted by Ezekiel and his friends. Olamide appeared relatively fine as well, displaying resilience in the face of adversity.

However, Abu struggled noticeably, his stout figure hindering his progress. The excess weight caused him to perspire profusely and left him gasping for breath. It was evident that his stature presented a considerable challenge, making the journey even more taxing for him.

She didn't care about the remaining twenty one students present or the teachers.

Everyone stood with their bags either hanging on one hand or on the ground. Some people who had packed heavy had to leave theirs behind. The driver was instructed to find any hotel and lodge in then after the three days of evangelism he should meet them at same spot with the school bus.

"I'm tired. My feet hurts, I feel itchy and I need a hot bath" Nanret complained as she leaned on Ezekiel.

s Ogechi observed Atinuke from her vantage point, she couldn't help but notice the unmistakable aura of jealousy emanating from her. Though Ogechi had never been in a romantic relationship herself, she could empathize with the feelings Atinuke might be experiencing. The thought of Chike being with someone else, even in the slightest capacity, tugged at Ogechi's heartstrings, and she understood how jealousy could consume one's emotions. It seemed almost ironic to her, given her own growing connection with Chike. It sounded like a joke to her but the connections was there even before the met, she knew they were meant to be.

"What are we supposed to do now? The last person we came across told us to keep going straight and we'd find the igwe's palace and we've still not found it" Kunle an average class complained.

"Miss Kashimana, it's already getting late oooo and our phones would soon be dead and I didn't come with my power bank" Sharon, one of Nanret's followers added.

Ogechi nodded in agreement with what she said. This was the first time Sharon was making sense, maybe coming to this village was not that bad.

It was as if the other students were waiting for this point because the slightly quiet place was filled with murmurings and complains.

"It's okay, it's okay" Mr Festus tried to salvage the situation. "Let's all calm down we are in a strange land and we don't know what their culture is, we can't be making noise by this time and disturb the villagers...."

"Which Kian stupid villager? Is it the ones that we've not seen at all" Ehiosu, an average fired.

"We met one" Olamide piped in but Ehiosu and the rest glared at him.

"We don't need to hear a word from you" Mezie jabbed causing Olamide to almost fall.

Ogechi couldn't shake off the weight of guilt that settled upon her shoulders. She understood that her decision to choose Chike over Victor had ignited the animosity and aggression directed towards him, particularly from Ezekiel and his group. The realization hit her hard, and she recognized the consequences of her actions. It pained her to think that Chike would have to bear the brunt of the repercussions simply because of her own desires and choices.

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