Chapter one

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Picture of Ogechi above

The slight knock on her door brought her out of her imagination land, though she had her earpiece on to the highest and was listening to Fire boy's music scatter, Ogechi still picked up the sound..... circumstances had given such a gift of hearing.

She put down her pen, glancing at her door with crease lines on her forehead, she knew her dad was out so was her Mom and even Ebuka. When she didn't hear a second knock she went back to drawing the face that plagued her dreams everyday but then as she tried to perfect his well carved brows the knock came again.

"Who's that?" She called moving towards the door, when no reply came she went back to her reading table put on her earpiece and continued her drawing, she made sure the dread looked thick like the ones he had in her dream. Then the smoldering eyes and the full pouty lips, he looked too good to be true. It made her feel like maybe she had encountered an Incubus but then what kind of Incubus doesn't sleep with it's prey.

She shook the thought out of her head.

As she was about to sing along to the chorus of Fireboy's "Jealous," the next song on her playlist, she suddenly heard a faint plea for help. Startled, she yanked out her earpiece and scanned her surroundings with frantic eyes. The voice had been so close to her ear, it felt like the person had whispered the plea for help directly into her left ear. Despite the faintness of the voice, she knew she couldn't ignore it and had to investigate.



The sound from her door startled her and increased her heart beat. It came again but this time it was very faint and it was accompanied by that same whisper of help. She moved towards the door with caution contemplating on whether to answer it or pretend like she didn't hear a thing.

She knew her answer already. She was the definition of curiosity kills the cat.

As she swung open the door, she was met with a shocking sight: the same guy she had dreamt about was standing right in front of her room. His head hung low, and his dreadlocks hung loosely around his face. She couldn't help but notice that his right hand was pressed against her door, while his left hand clutched his stomach. Upon closer inspection, she realized that the hand holding his stomach was covered in blood, causing her eyes to widen in shock and concern.

"Help" he said one last time and his body fell inside her room. She jerked back and screamed..........

Ogechi stepped out of the silver Audi with her school bag hand in a tight grip and her forehead sweaty though the morning harmattan was nothing to write home about and she had just stepped out of a full blown ac car.

"Small madam" Audu called startling her.

She placed her sweaty free hand on her chest and glared at him.

"Madam wetin hapun? (madam what happened?)" The driver stared at her with a worried face.

"Nothing" she said curtly "what happened?" Staring at everywhere other than her driver.

"Una get lesson today? (Do you have lesson today?) "

She shook her head " is that all?"

He nodded his head and she left. She knew she's been skittish since she woke up from that nightmare....well mama Nkechi woke her up. Mama Nkechi has been her caretaker right from when she was five when her parents decided that traveling around the world was more better than bringing up their five years old daughter and their ten years old son.

She had refused to eat her breakfast and tell Mama Nkechi about the nightmare. Like how would she tell her she dreamt about a boy she has been seeing in her dreams asking for help and was badly injured. It didn't make sense to her and there's no way it will make sense to another person.

"Ogechukwu ! " the calling of her name startled her though she knew only one person called her that, Temilade her only close friend in Covenant Secondary School.

She saw Temi walking towards her so she just stopped waiting by the entrance of the class for her to catch up.

Temi and her were two sides of a coin, completely opposite but somehow they ended up friends. Temi was the outgoing one while she was the reserved one. Temi was the courageous one while she was probably a coward. The only good attribute she could think of having that Temi didn't have was intelligence and not that Temi wasn't intelligent, she was just average. In beauty, the two of them were both dark beauties.

"What sup with all the jumpy attitude " Temi asked as she met up with her.

"Having a bad day" Ogechi replied and walked inside the class with Temi by her side.

"It's not yet 8 am and you're having a bad day. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"

She sat down putting her school back by her side, her mind flashes back to the nightmare and she shudders at the memory.

Temi took note of the fear glazed over her friend's face and nodded. "That bad? "

"Just a nightmare. It will pass" she tried to convince herself.

Temi nodded doubtfully but didn't pressurize her. That's how far their friendship went, she knew Ogechi didn't trust her, heck! Ogechi didn't trust anyone. She has serious trust issues. Temi took her seat next to Ogechi, it was a one sitter locker that everyone used in the school. Their books are kept inside the locker and padlocked then when given assignment they take that assignment book home and any other book they'll like to read.

Ogechi allowed herself to get drowned in the noisy class at least her mind was out of the nightmare and was focused on the argument going on in class since there was no assembly today. From what she heard it had something to do with Nanret, the sassy, sexy, rude and popular girl of their set and Atinuke the warrior princess of their set.

"I can't believe Nanret kissed Atinuke's boyfriend" she heard Moses, the guy sitting next to her say.

"That girl is shameless" Temi joined in the conversation. Her tone clearly showing her dislike for Nanret.

"Upon she's dating senior Femi oo, head boy for that matter. She na went to kiss Ezekiel, Ezekiel that is our mate oo tueh for her" Chidimma who was sitting in front of her joined in.

"Asin ehn" Temi said staring at a fuming Atinuke. " I sha can't wait for the end of classes today, we will watch drama"

Ogechi just sat in the middle not contributing at all. The noise in the class was too much with everyone imputing their thoughts and saying what they'll do to Nanret. She just hoped the CRS teacher will come quickly so everything can end but she knew everything was far from being over because when the CRS teacher comes, ss2A would also come with her as it's usually a combined class with ss2B and Nanret and Ezekiel are in A' class.

A' class members started walking into the classroom while most B class members looked at them with hostility none ready to share their seat because of the issue on ground.

Ogechi sighed and brought out her CRS textbook from her locker knowing any minute from now Mr Abednego would walk in.

"Wow! Who's the new kid at this time of the term" Temi asked causing her to raise her head up.

Ogechi eyes were filled with bewilderment as she watched the same caramel skin colour guy that plagued her dream walk in looking a bit lost. He looked exactly the same in her dream. Same thick and long dread, the same pouty lips but different eyes. She pinched herself to be sure this wasn't a dream again.....

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