Chapter fourteen

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Picture of Kunle above
Check out chapter two for the new Chike😁

This chapter is dedicated to UjuritaElliana for her awesome comments.


"Hey" OJ said coming to sit down next to Kunle. "I was searching for you"

Not looking at her, he asked as he played with a dry stick. "How did you find me?"

"I don't know, just followed my instinct" she adjusted to make herself more comfortable on the stony ground.

Silence enveloped them as she watched the afternoon sun bath the house in it's warm light. From where she sat she could see the side of the house though just the top, the tall grasses were covering her view.

"You shouldn't be here" his voice broke the silence and she turned towards him, her eyes scrutinizing him.

"Why?" She asked.

He didn't answer at first, he just doodled on the floor with the dry stick in his hand. While her gaze burned his sides.

"Isn't it obvious, I found Nanret's body"

She corked her brow still not getting where he is going to, but since he wasn't looking at her she replied. "So?"

He turned towards her for the first time and pushed his glasses in place. "You shouldn't be found with her killer"

OJ wrapped her hands around her pulled up legs. "You're not a killer Kunle"

He chuckled deeply. "Others don't seem to think so"

"Trust me they do, they are just finding it hard to believe. They found you with palm fronds standing above her body" she corked her head that she placed on her knees.

"Why are you here?" He said with all seriousness.

"Is it that hard to believe someone genuinely cares about you?"

He didn't reply instead he watched as birds flew from one tree to another chirping. OJ released her hands from her legs and placed one on his causing him to jerk. He stared at the hand but avoided looking at her face.

"I know whatever I will say now will do no difference but I just wanted to apologise for not standing up for you when we were in jss3 even after knowing the truth"

Kunle swallowed, he was uncomfortable, she was opening a wound that was already healed. He tried to pull his palm out from under hers but she held it firmly.

"It happened in jss3, that's a long time ago. It's nothing" he tried to wave it off but OJ wouldn't hear of it.

"I know you were held at gun point by your brother Tee" she said making him relieve the moment all of again.

He had just come back from Abu's place. Back then, they were the three musketeers; him, Abu and Kachi but somehow Abu's father who was a disciplinarian, a staunch Christan found out about everything and stopped Kunle from visiting, he also ban Abu from talking with him even made sure the teachers ensured they were never seen together. It was hard for Kachi to choose between his two friends, slowly they began to drift away.

He remembered entering the house and not finding anyone in the sitting room. On the norms his elder brothers would be there playing PES or arguing but there was nothing that day. He decided to get food from the kitchen and eat but there wasn't any food in the kitchen, he couldn't cook and Kenny had promised to make peppered jollof rice for him. He decided to go to their room and check if they were asleep.

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