Chapter Sixteen

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This chapter is dedicated to lissabae1 my new friend.

Ghost readers please, abeg vote and comment on this chapter at least 🙏


What makes today special?
Do you have a missing memory?

What makes today special?
A day of the week that has every pen holder happy.

What makes today special?
Long lost relationships are restored but present ones are destroyed.

What makes today special?
Hidden in a blanket belonging to stygian, heart shatter just like bottles.

What makes today special?
Time is ticking, the next is flicking, away on its way to eternal bliss, this time closer to home.

Chike read the letter out, his worried gaze dancing around Ogechi. "Do you understand what it means?"

She shook her head and slowly sat down on the bed. Her mind a whirlwind of emotions, how did the paper get in her bag? Fear filled her eyes, the killer was near, the killer was still after her.
As she stared at the paper in Chike's hand, she wondered why the killer decided to send a message now after three deaths.

What makes today special?

The question stuck in her head, in repetitive verse. A frown found its way to her face, her brows furrowed in confusion, she found herself back to her habit of rubbing her neck. What makes today special? Why today?

"What makes today special?" Chike's confused voice pulled her slightly out of her turmoil. "I can't decipher this, let me see if I'll be able to to get help"

She nodded, her gaze unfocused as she tried to think, to search for reasons that makes today special.
The sound of the door hitting it's frame was the sign that Chike had gone to look for help.

She picked up the paper and chuckled humorlessly, whoever the killer was, was really good at forgery. Her handwriting stared back at her not only that somehow he had turn poetic and cryptic. Putting aside the thoughts of the perfect forgery of her handwriting, she read the first part of the poem.

What makes today special?
Do you have a missing memory?

The first line was easy to decipher, whatever made today special was in her memory, she just had to find the right box in her head and unlock it.

What makes today special?
A day of the week that has every pen holder happy.

The next line got her thinking a bit. A day of the week, she had seven options, Sunday to Saturday. That has every pen holder happy.....pen holder can be someone working but since the killer left her the cryptic message to decode, it has to be a student. The only thing left was which day of the week makes a student happy.... Saturday, no school and everyone gets to rest.

What makes today special?
Long lost relationships are restored but present ones are destroyed.

Eyes boring into the paper like the answer to that line would jump out. What relationship was restored? What relationship was destroyed? Is that supposed to be part of her memory? She exhaled noisily through pursed lips and same time she heard the door close.

"Chike, I'm glad you're back. Who did you come with, I can't seem to decipher the third line" she said, her back still to the door as she ran her fingers through her hair.

When no reply came, she turned around quickly and colour seemed to drain from her face as she came face to face with a grinning Mr Festus. Quickly she stood up from the bed staring anxiously at him.

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