Chapter twenty three

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Dedicated to Lou-Wheezie07

"I just talked to my mom, she's taking the next flight here and she's going to make some calls. Hopefully, the police." OJ stated handing the techno back to Obidike.

"What next?" Moses ran his palm on his face groaning lowly. "Are we fucking going to wait here for your people..." He jabbed at Obidike " use us as a fucking human sacrifice."

"Babe," Chidimma called trying to calm him down.

"Shit!" He began pacing about. "As if having a killer on our asses is not enough, we have to worry about something spiritual. God damnit!"

"Babe!" This time it came out a bit harsher.

He flung his hands up, feeling exasperated. "Can't you see I'm fucking tensed!" He glowered at her, with her reciprocating it immediately.

"You have to calm down." Kunle stated adjusting his glasses and turned to Obidike, "Are we safe here?"

He shook his head. "You're not safe anywhere, but it'll be better if we leave here-the prince and his sisters would be back very soon, I don't think they'll appreciate me bringing you guys here."


Mezie, Itoro and Victor took the path leading to the village square as they thought he might go there to seek for a way to escape or hide while Chike, Abu and Ogechi took the path leading away from the village.

Ogechi was quite all through as they walked through the bush using the not too bright moonlight as their guide. Her mind wandered everywhere trying to figure out how she wronged Olamide. She knew now that everything goes back to what happened two years ago but still....she groaned inwardly trying to figure out why.

She squeezed her eyes shut as a memory of Temi laughing flashed through. She wished she died that night instead of living without her best friend. What her and Temi shared was the only sane relationship she had. Tears dropped from her eyes as she remembered Temi's word before they journeyed here. Maybe there was something she could have done, she could have persuaded her to stay back or at least listened to her. Her vision blurred as she cried the only thing keeping her from falling was Chike's hand wrapped firmly around hers.

"Are you okay?" Abu asked peeping from the side of his eyes. When no response came, he added, "it's going to be okay." Voice low, with tone uncertain.


Itoro was disappointed at his detective skills. He really thought he knew who the killer was but apparently he knew nothing. Never could he have imagined Olamide as a killer. He thought back to the morning Nanret's body was found, Olamide followed them to fetch water and he was perfectly fine although it rained the previous night, he once again doubted the possibility of the him being the killer, if he was he would no doubtless be cold that day.

Itoro also thought about Iverem, he didn't think Olamide had anything to do with her death. He was with him throughout till they found her body. There was no way Olamide gave her poison.

"You know the question we should be asking ourselves is if we were serial killers where would we hide?" Victor said breaking the unnerving silence.

"Olamide is not a serial killer, he's just someone who has issues upstairs." Mezie replied.

"He has killed four people in four heartless ways!" He exclaimed.

Mezie narrowed his eyes but answered the question anyway, "in plain sight."

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