4. I Don't Work Here

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Confidence has always been a trait she's gracefully carried through out her life, then career. There is not a single thing that Y/N does not excel at. Anything she puts her mind to, she will succeed. She could have even become a professional athlete, but that wasn't what she wanted to do.

But despite all of that, there is one small aspect in life that Y/N has never been so great at, making friends. Throughout her career, she has met amazing people. Some who do bring her a smile every time she sees them. For example, a gorgeous entrepreneur with large green eyes, the one with runways legs, destined to be a model, to which Y/N has tried to convince her countless times, succeeding only once. But Alisa prefers running a company owned by twins in need of supervision at all times.

Her phone has thousands of contacts, a handful of which would answer if she called, even visit her if she asked.

But the connection of having a best friend, someone to tell everything to, who will be by your side unconditionally, is the part that is missing. Like the one she sees pictures of plastered on the department store windows on the way home, she has only felt but once.

It's a vague memory from her childhood that she chooses to bury deep in her subconscious.

"Driver, stop here." Remembering her curtain situation, she stops in front of the picture-perfect images, almost mocking her, as she enters the department store.

The red star department store looks almost identical to the one back in the states. The only difference is that everything is in Spanish.

How hard can it be, finding curtains in a multistory story store?


"Disculpa." She finds what she thinks an employee, hoping to give her directions.

Excuse me, I'm sorry. Words Y/N has grown used to, hearing them from Yachi.

"Can you point me to the home section?"

"I DON'T WORK HERE. WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP ASKING ME." He pauses mid-sentence, turning around, immediately recognizing Y/N. "Oh, well, well, well, if it isn't the person who stole my coffee this morning, come to give me an apology?" He sneers as he steps closer to her.

Y/N scoffs, eyes turning to the back of her head as she gives him a dramatic eye roll. "Maybe if you weren't wearing that tacky red polo, people wouldn't assume you work here." Stepping forward as well. Even though there is a noticeable height difference, intimidation tactics don't work on Y/N. "And last time I checked, you should be the one apologizing to me. If I remember correctly, you said you were a busy person, yet you are here, playing pretend store employee."

This woman has no filter. Oikawa thought to himself.

"And for a person who walks around, all high and mighty, you look like a lost puppy trying to find your way to the home section. I take it your Spanish isn't that great, is it?" He returns the equal amount of sass back to her.

"My Spanish, on the other hand, es perfecto. If you ask nicely, I'll point you in the right direction," He winks at her, which was as repulsive as the first time he did it at the coffee shop. "Solo tienes que decir porfavor, linda."

At first glance, his polo did match the color of the uniform of the department store. But as they stand face to face, Y/N realizes it's not a retail uniform but an athletic polo, with the team name etched on the right sleeve. He was standing close enough to recognize the fragrance coming from him. A popular scent from no other than the company she works for now. The men's cologne is woodsy with subtle spicy. Not too overbearing, refreshing even.

"Actually, I do need a little help with something," She responds, fluttering her eyes up directly up to him. His eyes were luminous, reminded her of her favorite season and the autumn leaves that filled the grass. Almost the color of the iced beverage they are arguing about, the mocha color that matched his shaggy hair.

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