13. Why don't you show me?

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The entire elevator ride was silent, waiting for the lobby. For most, the silence would be awkward. Y/N and Ushijima, both them are the types of people who are content in the silence. Y/N's eye did wander towards her elevator companion. Even in her heeled shoes, he still towers over her. It was just the two of them in the elevator, and even still, his muscular stature took up most of the small area.

Y/N's very vivid and slightly perverted imagination was imagining all the possible ways he could contort her body in the four walls of the elevator.

Forget the coffee, fuck me instead.

But alas, there is something Y/N loves more than sex. Coffee. So, she stayed quiet.

The two of them enter the coffee shop, the same one she goes to every single morning. The evening hours made the usual bustling shop seem lonely. The music playing in the speakers can actually be heard, instead of the endless chattering of busy morning persons.

"Mateo? What are you doing here so late?" Y/N asks the barista. The same one she is used to seeing every morning."I picked up more shifts to save for university."

She has grown fond of the young man, with the curly caramel hair, the one that always had a smile on his face. She already knew he was working at the coffee shop the summer before going to university in the fall. He wants to be a teacher. He even secretly helps Y/N out with her Spanish. In the small interactions every morning, Y/N speaks to him in Spanish, and he helps her with her pronunciations.

"Estás en una cita, Y/N?" The boy asks as he is making their drinks.

It was a valid question. Even still, Y/N answered no. She would not consider grabbing coffee with Ushijima, a date.

"Grabbing coffee is usually a one-person task. Why invite me to come with you?" She curiously asks, not that she would ever turn down a coffee.

"You like coffee, don't you?" He responds. "Then there is no other reason than that."

In the short time in the coffee shop, he has not broken eye contact. Every time either of them speaks, he stares directly at her. Y/N can appreciate the directness coming from his olive-colored eyes.

"That is a valid response, I suppose, but I would like to hear the actual answer." She raises her eyebrow at him.

"Very well." He responds, sipping his hot beverage, unbreaking his gaze. "Earlier, in the gym, Iwaizumi gave you the impression that I was a perverted gym rat. I did not appreciate it. Therefore I wanted to set the record straight."

"Well, that's too bad." Y/N lets out a single laugh. "I would have enjoyed it. You know, some kegel exercises. I bet you excel at those."

"Correct. As an athlete, I work out every muscle group vigorously."

In the short while of speaking, Ushijima's facial expression has stayed the same the entire time, as well as his monotone voice.

This must be how I come off to people. She thinks to her herself, noticing the similarities between the two of them.

"Well then, why don't you show me?" She replies with a crooked smirk.

Ushijima moves his elbow to the table, placing his chin on the inside of his hand. Deep in thought.

"From our short encounters, I would agree, you would make an exceptional intercourse partner. And I will not refuse your advances." He pauses to take a sip of his coffee. His large hand completely envelopes the small ceramic mug. "So if you do decide to pursue this, I will assume that it is solely based on the fact that you wish to sleep with me. I do not wish to be involved in complicated entanglements."

"There is nothing complicated about two consenting adults fucking each other." Y/N replies.

"Oikawa Tooru." That is all the Ushijima responds back to her. It is just a simple name, yet those words made her heart begin to pound faster.

"What does he have to do with anything." She harshly swallows, trying to sound as unemotional as possible.

"If there is anything between the two of you, I don't want to cause strain with my teammate."

Y/N has always prided herself on her honestly. No matter how harsh the truth may be to hear, she always told the truth. But at this moment, she couldn't even figure what that truth was. Nothing was going on between her and Tooru. He simply fingered her in the locker room. There was never any emotional connection to her random hookups in the past. If she bases it solely on that fact, then there was nothing between them. But the sensation she got coursing through her body when she heard the sound of his name, that is something she can't ignore. Can she?

Her entire conversation with Ushijima, she has felt nothing. Her heart was not racing as she looked into his eyes. Even as she looked at them, appreciating the hint of green in them, they did not shine nor twinkle when they looked at her.

Even despite all of the facts, she lies anyway. "Nothing is going on between Tooru and me. Let's go."


It was after midnight when Y/N made her way out to her balcony to get some fresh air. The summer nights were getting colder, but that was not what gave her goosebumps. It was the voice echoing under the stars that accelerated her heart.

"I'm surprised to see you out here. I thought you'd be busy tonight." He says.

"I was unaware our balconies are conjoined." This was the first time since moving to her home that Y/N set foot into her balcony. She walks over to the small metal railing dividing the two balconies. "Why did you assume I'd be busy."

The softly lit lights only outlined his silhouette, with two glowing orbs visible to her, the ones staring at her.

"Because I saw you." He says, walking closer to the railing, his figure becoming more illuminated by her balcony lights the closer he got. "On my way home tonight, I saw you and Ushiwaka come upstairs together."

Y/N has never had a particular favorite color before. It's just a spectrum of light. Why does one need to have a favorite? But at this moment, as he leans down, as his eyelashes heavily look at her, she knew the answer. Brown.

"Did he satisfy you?" Tooru's question came as a surprise to her. Mainly because she was preoccupied getting hypnotized his this piercing gaze. "W-what?"

"Because if he didn't..." His body leans closer to a frozen Y/N, moving his hand to her chin, flirtatiously pulling it closer to his face. "I definitely can."

With the metal railing in between their two bodies, he wraps his arm around her waist, pulling her as close as he can. "Remember, all you have to do is ask nicely."

This feeling. The one Y/N gets by looking into Tooru's eyes. Almost as if she is unable to breathe from how fast her heart beats out of her chest. Why is it only Tooru that gives her such sensation?

"But you should know, seeing you with him made me quite jealous." His hands find her ass, squeezing her tightly. "You've been a bad girl, Y/N."

Her entire body felt chills with his touch. The feeling of his vibrating words deep in her core brought a smile to her flushed face. She never wanted the sensation to end.

"So, I won't go easy on you this time."


"Estás en una cita, Y/N?" = are you on a date, Y/N?

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