41. Love always

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She heard the garage opening early this morning, alerting her from her slumber. A fort of blankets and pillows fills the floors as she carefully steps around the sleeping bodies. The entire friend group ended up setting up camp in the living room.

Suna and Atsumu's trips always take up most of the day. Their business dealings take place in the darkest part of the night. It always makes Osamu restless during the nights when he has to sleep alone. It was Y/N's idea to have an impromptu slumber party to keep him company.

"I'm not sleepy, Samu. I'll stay awake until they arrive." She whispered to him as he stared out into the empty streets. "Okay, Y/N, wake me up when they get here."

But as soon as she heard the door opening, the footsteps entering the living room, she smiled at the person standing there. Because Y/N knew she didn't have to wake Osamu up.

He bends down, immediately cupping Osamu up into his arms, lifting his sleeping partner in his arms.

"Took you long enough." Osamu mumbles, latching his arms around his tattooed neck.

"Sorry, baby." Rin cradles Osamu, kissing his forehead as he carries it up to their room. "I'm here now."

"Y/N, check on Tsumu, please," Osamu mumbles as the two leave the living room.

There has only been a couple of times where Y/N was there to witness the two coming home from one of their trips. It was always the same, Rin would run directly to find Osamu, and Atsumu would be trailing behind him, usually with torn dirty clothes, maybe some blood. The times Kuroo would go with them, his voice would echo Atsumu's penthouse, as he would help Atsumu to his room. "Tsumu, you fucking idiot." To which, Alisa would scurry into Atsumu's room with a first aid kit.

The door to the master bedroom was open, articles of clothing scattered the floors, leading to the king-size bed. He was sleeping soundly on the bed, in just his boxers. The way he slept, it was like his entire body collapsed as soon as his body touched the pillowy surface.

For the number of fights and stories of brawls, Atsumu does not have many visible scars on his body. Y/N could only see a handful covering his skin. She does, however, notice the makeshift bandage on his shoulder.

He would have slept the entire day without cleaning the wound if it wasn't for Osamu telling Y/N to check on him, almost like he knew how irresponsible his twin brother was.

Even as Y/N disinfected the open cut, Atsumu remained asleep, not even flinching at the pain inflicted by the alcohol applied to his skin.

She wanted to give him his gift personally. But the way he is snoring, he will probably not be awake anytime soon. And it was time for Y/N to go back home.

The suit she promised him was complete.

Y/N had it gift wrapped and sent over with Tadashi.

"Are you ready to go?" Yachi asks her as Y/N walks out of Atsumu's room. She looks back to him, sleeping soundly in his spacious bed, the black box, with a golden bow on the edge of the bed, somewhere where he will see it when he wakes up. And his name, in cursive writing, "to Atsumu" on the envelope, and the inside, a handwritten note.

"Let's go home." Y/N smiles


The week before an event usually goes by in a flash. All Y/N remembers is coming home from the beach, and now it was the day before the gala.

She spent most of the week in her office, sleeping, eating, breathing tuxedos and rhinestones. Events like these always make her restless, never satisfied, always making last-minute arrangements. "Y/N, everything is perfect. I promise." Yachi told her during their weekly lunches with Asahi and Tadashi. Y/N ate her food as she worked through lunch. Her eyes glowed red with determination. It was difficult for Yachi to sway her away from her work at the moment.

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