12. Así te gusta?

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Her hot breath tickles his bare chest, her uneven panting begins to steady as he wraps his arms around her flushed body.

After he released the tight grip on her pinned hands, she immediately fell onto his chest. Wrapping her arms around his slender figure for balance.

Her ear pressed against his sternum, all of her thoughts are drowned out by the sound of his heartbeat.

It's not a position Y/N is fond of, embracing another person. The intimacy of it makes her uncomfortable, yet it's almost peaceful.

The closeness also surprised Tooru, how her body hesitantly clung to his. It was a new side of her, almost too delicate for his grasp.

Her skin was warm to the touch. Even still, Tooru held her as if he was shielding her from the cold. Protecting her.

"Y/n, are you in here!?" Her squeaky voice echoes the entire locker room. The noise alerted the moment they didn't want to let go of.

"Yeah, I'm here, Yachi. Give me a moment." Y/N responds.

In the morning, she cursed Yachi under her breath for making her take the day off. And yet now, as she stares up at Tooru, into his coffee-colored eyes, she regrets she has to leave.

I know I told you not to come to work but um...

Yachi sent her a message during her workout. At the time, it brought a smile to Y/N's face, having to go to work.

Pick me up at the gym. Bring me clothes.

Her body, in between the icy-colored walls and his ivory skin, she presses her palm on his chest, softly pushing him away from her. "I—I have to leave." There was almost a tremble in her tone. Removing his arms around hers, bringing back the chill in her body.

"I understand." He responds as he helps her gather her clothes.

Her fingers reach out to unlock the door before it is abruptly stopped. Tooru's hand pressing the door closed again.

Standing behind her, Tooru places his large hand on her waist, pushing her back onto him. His lips flutter on the back of her neck, "from behind, was it?" He whispers. "Your favorite position. That is what you said. Or were you just teasing?"

The hand has was keeping the door closed, snakes up to her chest, then to her neck, softly tugging it upwards so that her hair falls backward on his chest, pressing his lips on her earlobe. "Dime Y/N, así te gusta?" Somehow his already sultry voice sounds even more enticing in Spanish. His guttural voice, sending chills down her spine.

Y/N doesn't respond verbally, but he can see her lips turn into a smile as she bites her lip in satisfaction.

"Too bad we were interrupted just now." He hums, "when you decide you want more, you know where I live." Tooru continues to tease her, noticing the goosebumps trailing her skin. The hold on her neck tightens just slightly before his canines nip at her ear lobe, "if you moan out my name as you did, I'll fuck you anyway way you like."


"I wasn't sure what you wanted to wear, so I brought options—oh." Yachi's speech was interrupted as she saw who was walking behind Y/N.

"Hello, Yachi." Tooru greets her as he is making his way out of the women's locker room. Out of the three of them, the only one who seems embarrassed is Yachi.

"Hasta luego, Y/N" he winks.


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