22. She's back

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"Yachi, what are you still doing up?" Y/N considered sleeping at Miya's, but she made her way back to her hotel room in fear that something like this would happen.

Yachi was sitting at the desk, scribbling in her notebook, analyzing whatever was on the computer screen.

"Oh, I lost track of time. Asahi sent over his drafts. I was looking them over." She yawns.

"You sure you weren't waiting up for me?" Y/N asks her sleepy friend. Yachi has never been the one to stay up late. She always drifted off before the witching hours.

"Well, yeah, I-I was. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Yachi responds.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I trust Atsumu just about as far as I can throw him," Y/N responds as she changes into her sleeping clothes.

"Um, Y/N? That doesn't make me feel better at all."

"Atsumu is a lot lighter than he looks. I could throw him quite a distance away." Never measured the distance exactly, maybe next time. "What I'm saying is, if there is a list of people I trust in this world, he would probably fall in like 4th place." Y/N chuckles at Yachi's confused expression. Trust is such an odd word for Y/N because there is no way an individual is 100% trustworthy. And if she is basing trust on Atsumu's rap sheet, he would probably fall last on the list. Money laundering, and all that good stuff, ALLEGEDLY.

No matter how many scandals or how much money, their kindness, and loyalty are genuine. And Y/N will choose that over senseless rumors.

"What about me? Where do I land in your list." A curious Yachi asks. "You, my dear Yachi...." Y/N pauses to think about the question. "Probably, like 5th place." She winks. "Here, I got this for you." Y/N hands over a shopping bag. She bought it while Yachi was busy trying on clothes. It is a pajama set, matching the ones Y/N is currently wearing. The silky sleeping wear was decorated with tiny blue stars, reminding Y/N of the cute blue hair pin Yachi always wears.

A gift for her closest friend, who Y/N knows without a doubt, is first on her list.

"Will you look at the things Asahi sent over tomorrow?" Yachi whispers.

"Fine." Y/N sighs, "Go to bed."

"That was a joke right, I-I rank higher, right?"

"Maybe." Y/N laughs. "Good night."


The sound of keyboards clicking and paper scribbling alerted Yachi from her slumber. In her hazy state, she looks over to see Y/N. At the small office desk in their hotel room, with a cup of coffee in her hand and her stary PJ's, Y/N was in work mode.

"Good, you're finally awake. Look at this. All of this is a complete disaster. Get Asahi on a video call. No matter of fact, get the entire design team asap." Y/N walks over to the small kitchenette, filling up her coffee cup for the third time this morning, pausing to look over at Yachi's bed head and confused expression. "What are you just standing around for? There's so much work to be done."

The fire in Y/N's eyes as the rough drafts scatter around the hotel room and the smile on her friend's face. She's back. Yachi thought to herself. Her boss, her friend, is back in full swing.

"Yes, Y/N, calling Emergency meeting right away, but it'll be a few hours. It's night time back home."

"Sigh, you're right." Y/N pauses mid typing. "By the time it's morning, we can meet them in person. Book a flight."

Since the merger with the fashion company, Y/N's first task was to spearhead this year's masquerade charity ball. There is a runway, then a fancy-schmancy party afterward. They tried to convince her to lead the women's side of things, but Y/N being Y/N, she declined and chose to design menswear instead. Men's fashion, she has delved into in the past, but never to the scale of a massive runway/ball tuxedos. Asahi's knowledge was the reason he is the lead designer. During Y/N's hiatus, he took over the chief responsibilities. But, the difference between the two of them is one of them is a pushover, and the other is Y/N.

The entire flight, Y/N did not stop working. Y/N will admit, the rumors of her being nit-picky are somewhat accurate. She just wanted everything to be perfect, by her standards.

Straight from the airport, bags and all, the two of them make it to Y/N's office, where the entire design crew eagerly awaits her. "I apologize I was gone, but everyone has done great work. Especially you, Asahi. I just tweaked a couple of things."

Jet lagged and caffeinated, Y/N went to work, perfecting every single article of clothing, every masquerade mask, down to the finest detail. "I am so glad you're back." Asahi sighed in relief. Y/N's energy always lights up the room, making everyone around her want to work just as hard as she does.

"Y/N? Aren't you going home? Everyone left." Yachi yawns. The two of them pull serious over time, not stopping even as midnight arrives. Yachi took a nap during the day, with the permission of Y/N, of course. Y/N, on the other hand, has not stopped. Yachi knew what Y/n was doing, drowning herself with work rather than face reality. So she let her, but at some point, Y/N has to stop and rest.

"You're still here? I thought you left with everyone else." Y/N responds as her eyes remain glued to her computer screen.

"You know I wouldn't leave without you. But seriously, you have to go to sleep." Yachi states.

"Not now, Yachi." y/n replies. She was not ready to go home yet. There was still so much work. Pulling all-nighters isn't uncommon for Y/N. In the past, no one would even notice, let alone care if she stayed locked in her office for days.

"Nope. Let's go." Yachi demands, pulling Y/N's office chair away from her desk.

"Ay, Por el Amor de Dios, Yachi! Todavía no acabó!" Y/n struggles to inch back to her desk. "Maldita sea!"

"Language Y/N!" Yachi gasps. Y/n doesn't usually speak Spanish, but when she does, it usually involves curse words. "No worries, I'll roll you all the way home." Yachi pulls Y/N away from her desk, serious in her threat of rolling the office chair all the way home.

"We can sleep at my place, but you should know, it's a studio apartment with a single futon," Yachi responds as she hands Y/N her bags. "ABSOLUTELY Not." Y/n rolls her eyes. "Just sleep at my place..." Y/N whispers. She and Yachi have shared a room for the last month. Y/n has grown used to having a roommate to make the empty four walls feel less lonely. She was not ready to go to sleep alone quite yet. Yachi knew it too. She was already planning on sleeping over even before Y/N shyly asked.

"Of course. Y/N." Yachi responds. "But we need to eat dinner, and then straight to sleep okay? No working from home."

"You're not the boss of me," Y/N responds.

On paper, sure, Y/N was Yachi's boss. But in real life, it was the opposite. Yachi has grown tremendously over the months of working alongside Y/N. Sticking up for herself, demanding things, taking charge, Yachi didn't notice it, but Y/N sure did. It brought a smile to her face knowing how strong Yachi is now. Because truthfully, Y/N wouldn't be able to do this without her, any of it. The fear of running into her neighbor sent chills down Y/N's spine. She was not ready to face Tooru. But with Yachi by her side, Y/N could face anything.


Ay, Por el Amor de Dios, = The literal translation is "Oh, for the love of God." But depending on the tone could translate to "For fuck's sake." So you choose which one Y/N means. lol

Todavía no acabó = "I'm not finished yet."

Maldita sea = Dammit

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