36. Let me explain

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Gyms always have a specific smell to them, the waxed floors, the muscle spray. It's not a bad smell, rather pleasant in its unique way. But at this moment, it was repulsing.

The sound of shoes squeaking as the athletic sneakers stomped on the ground, Y/N focuses on that. The sound of the volleyball plummeting to the ground kept startling her back from her entranced state.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Yachi was the first one to speak. If it wasn't for Y/N's speechless state, she would have laughed at hearing Yachi say such a vulgar word for the first time. "Oh, sorry!" Yachi blushes, "I-I was just thinking about something—something so preposterous that seems fucking ridiculous." The last part fell as a whisper.

"Okay." Asahi clears his throat. Y/N and Yachi, the usually strong women in his life, are malfunctioning. He has to step in. "That's wonderful. NOW, shall we continue our tour? Thanks."

"I know, can you believe it? Kawa and me? It all feels like a dream."

"More like a nightmare," Yachi whispers. It was like Y/N's frozen state made Yachi the unfiltered one of the group.

The number of people in suits that roam the athletic club weekly is quite excessive. Therefore, none of the volleyball players batted an eye in their direction.

Y/N, however, noticed Tooru the second she walked into the gym. Her eyes scanned the equally attractive volleyball players, uninterested in all the short shorts and exposed thighs. Her eyes were drawn to him, immediately finding him in the crowd. His confidence is what she admired most about him. He was in his element. She could see the passion in his eyes as his body laser focused on the blue and yellow ball in the air.

Y/N doesn't understand much about volleyball. Or the differences between his position and the person he was tossing the ball to.

Everyone could see the force of Ushijima's spike echoing throughout the entire gym. It was impressive, sure, but Y/N saw beyond the power. It was the calculation of the precise execution done by Tooru that allowed such a powerful spike.

She was completely mesmerized.

But then again, she wasn't the only one, hypnotized by his short shorts and mismatched knee pads.

The person with a media badge and camera, shuttering their lens at his movements, the entire management team that surrounded Y/N.

And Tooru's girlfriend. The one with the literal emoji hearts falling out of her eyeballs.

Sleeping with someone who is spoken for is not something out of the ordinary for Y/N. Not that Y/N prided herself in being a homewrecker, she never purposely sought out a person in a relationship. But if she ended up in between the sheets with another person, their fidelity is not Y/N's problem. In her mind, this supposed love everyone speaks of should be enough for a person to remain faithful.

This feeling, however, didn't feel like all the rest. It almost felt like Y/N was on the opposite side of the coin. Her skin felt hot, her throat felt dry. Like she wanted to scream at the woman standing next to her. Something outrageous like "he's mine" or "I fucked your boyfriend last night." Both options seemed ridiculous in her mind.

"How did you two meet?" Y/N asks instead.

Anabella, Anastasia, Angelina. Something exotic with the letter A. Y/N just couldn't remember her name.

"Here at the club. I'm the social media manager, you see, so we kind of just clicked." The woman giggles.

"They should be done soon, so I can introduce you." The man with the silver hair interrupted Y/N's chance to ask the woman more questions.

In her last attempt to veer far away from such an awkward situation, she sends an SOS text, hoping it reaches in time.

"Thank you, but I've got another meeting to—."

"—Everyone, gather round, please!" The man yells.

The entire volleyball team stops what they are doing, obediently walking towards Y/N's group.

Digging her nails in her palms, she stands tall as her eyes meet his. His fingers roam his sweaty hair, removing them from his forehead as he walks closer to her.

The entire volleyball team surrounds Y/N as she individually greets them. In America, a simple handshake usually does the trick. Where she lives now, it's not uncommon to greet people with a slight hug, even a kiss on the cheek sometimes.

She goes down the row of sweaty volleyball players as her heart begins to pound faster as she gets closer to the last player, who was patiently waiting for his turn.

"Hello, Mr. Oikawa. It's nice to see you again." She extends her hand to greet him.

"Yes. It is a pleasure to have you here." He responds, choosing a more intimate greeting, which involves a hug.

"You should have told me you were coming. I would have shown you around." He whispers.

"It's okay. Your girlfriend showed me plenty." She responds as she releases his grip.

"MY WHAT?!" His voice echos the entire gym.

"Sorry, I should take this." Y/N points at her phone, looking solely at the club manager. If it wasn't for the silver-haired man with the sweet smile and genuine excitement for Y/N to meet the team, she would have left the second she heard Tooru's name come out of that woman's mouth.

"No worries, Y/N! Thank you for coming all this way to see us." He smiles.

"Oikawa, can we get a picture with you and Annalise?" Y/N hears the photographer ask as she walks ways from the group.

Her heeled footsteps echo the gym floors as she reaches the doors. She finds an empty room and lets out the breath she was holding in as soon as she entered the gym.

"Fine, whatever you want. Just come pick me up, please." He hears her say as he finds the room Y/N was hiding in.

"Y/N," Tooru states as she hangs up the phone.

"I have to go," she responds as she attempts to walk past him before her steps are halted by his stature.

"We should talk about this. Let me explain—"

"—there's nothing to talk about Oikawa." She sighs. "Annalise is very beautiful."

"Y/N. Listen to me—"

"Do you sweet talk all the pretty ladies you sleep with? Or was I an exception? You know what, don't answer that. I don't want to know. I have to go."

The feeling of rage Y/N felt in her skin. It was a painful emotion, jealousy. She was angry at Tooru. Not because he was in a relationship. Not even because he said all those sweet words to her that made her blush. Men will say just about anything to get laid. She knew that.

It was the fact that she thought what they shared was special. She felt things she never felt with anyone else when she was with Tooru. So she let her guard down as her emotions slowly began to seep through. But in the end, it didn't matter.

She didn't feel the need to listen to his side of the story. It's always the same. Unfaithful men always want to clarify their reasoning as if it will make their guiltiness any less shameful.

And besides, her ride was here.


Text message:

Are you still in town?

Why? Wanna see me? ;)


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