26. Rosas

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There are two significant dates in Y/N's life. Not her birthday, not any particular holiday. Two dates that bring her the most sorrow. Even as the years pass, waking up on those two days is always painful.

The anniversary of her parent's death stings a little less now that over a decade has passed.

The one that still hurts, the wound is still fresh, is the death of her grandmother.

As she wakes up, her heart feels emptier than usual.

"I wish you were here, grandma." She whispers as she looks out into the sunrise.

Y/n has only broken down once at her job, on the first anniversary of her grandmother's passing. Since It's a difficult day for Y/N to keep her composure, she takes a personal day every year.

The charity ball was less than a month away now. Y/N worked tirelessly every single day. She almost forgot the anniversary was coming up until she woke up. It's always the same on that day. Like her body forcibly reminds her of the pain.

"You're in charge, Yachi." That was all she told her about her day off. She didn't want to burden Yachi. She had a lot in her hands.

No make-up, no heels. Just an oversized hoodie and leggings. Today Y/n didn't have to strength to be y/n.

Chocolate chip waffles with whipped cream. Y/N's favorite food her grandmother would make her. No matter which country she is in, on this day, she will have that.

Thanks to the help of Tadashi, she was given directions to a restaurant.

Too much chocolate. Not enough whipped cream.

But then again, nothing compares to her grandmother's recipe.

She's lived in this new country for some time now. But Y/N has never had the chance to explore much of it.

The coffee shop and work are everywhere she goes, plus the occasional gym and ramen shop. But what Y/N loved most about this city was everything was within walking distance.

The small pond across the bakery reminded Y/N about the lake by where she grew up. It has a small fountain with joggers circling the lake. She found a bench, just like the one her grandmother would sit on as Y/N would feed the ducks quacking around.

She smiles, remembering all the times she begged her grandmother to let her take a duck home with her. "No Y/N, they live here. We can't take them away from their home."

"Then I'll live here at the park then." Y/n would pout, visiting her duck friend as often as she could.


He ran around the pond once, noticing a person admiring the wildlife as he jogged past her. Then again, running past her and coming to a complete stop, recognizing who it was sitting there.

Out of breath, he stops, looks back at her. She didn't notice him there. He could have continued without acknowledging her. But it was the look she had as she stared into the distance. It pulled at his heartstrings, walking backward to her.

Such sadness coming from such a beautiful face.

"Y/N?" His voice catches her off guard, startling her mid-day dream.

She pauses for a moment, looking at him in his running attire.

Out of all the people, why him, why today.

"We meet again. Hello. Oikawa." She sighs. "I'll be leaving now." Today was an emotional day for her. She couldn't handle his anger on this day.

"Wait, you don't have to...I'm just curious why you're here, that's all." He sits down next to her. "Are you alright?" Y/N's facial expression, since the very first time meeting, has always been the same. Unemotional and somewhat bland, unable to read. But the Y/N sitting on the park bench was riddled with such emotion she was unable to hide. Whatever was going on with her was beyond him and their strained situation.

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