19. Bring me my sewing machine

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Y/N chose to take the private elevator from the garage to Atsumu's penthouse. Not that she is ashamed of someone seeing her, but still, she has the keycard, might as well make use of it.

She didn't have to search his large penthouse to find him. Y/N knows him well enough to know where he is. His office, decorated with black and golden embellishments. He was staring intensely at this computer screen, with his sleeves rolled up, eyebrows furrowed, and a whiskey on the rocks on his desk, the same desk she has had her naked body on countless times.

"Took you long enough." He says, not looking from his screen, but he can sense her figure leaning on the door frame.

The black tile is cold on Y/N's bare feet as she tiptoes behind him. She traces her fingertips on his shoulders before turning his office chair around to face her. Her hand cups his chin, making him look up to her, "Am I interrupting something?" She asks as she roams his shoulders. Her fingers find his necktie, loosening his velvet tie. "You know I'll always make time for you, doll." Atsumu smirks, "But last I remember, you said the last time would be the last time." His frisky hands roam her exposed legs. "You said you were starting a new life and shit, but here you are, begging for it."

She removes his necktie from his neck, turning his chair back around, latching both of his arms with the necktie. Constricting his wrist as they are tightly tied behind his chair. "Oh, come on, Tsumu, we both know who will be the one begging here."

Her body finds his lap as her fingers roam his hair. Not only is it now brown, but it's much longer than she remembers. Tugging him towards her face, her lips find his ear, whispering, "And you will beg." She demands.

His nose twitches in satisfaction, biting the bottom of his lip, grunting at the pain. Y/N has never been fond of kissing, in general, let alone during sex. In the many years of knowing Atsumu, the two have kissed less than a handful of times.

It was a surprise to him, her hand latching on his chin, guiding his lips to clash with hers. The impact only lasted a few seconds before she sunk her teeth on his bottom lip. "Fuck" He grunts.

Her fingertips begin to unhook his grey button-up shirt, exposing his bare chest with every button.

Y/N's lips roam his exposed skin, leaving bite marks on his neck and chest. The soft bruises trailed downwards to his rugged abs. She always admired his body. For a businessman, he certainly kept his figure in tip-top shape. Hidden underneath his expensive suits is a body decorated in muscles.

She comes up for air, looking up at the glimmer in his eyes, filled with lust and desire. "Why don't you untie me. I'll leave you some bite marks to match, hmm?" With his hands tied behind his chair, his legs being to twitch, wanting so badly to roam his hands on Y/N's black dress.

"Nope," she devilishly laughs as her fingers find his belt loop. "Still wearing this?" Without looking at it, she can feel the belt loop on her fingertips. The belt was of her creation. There are only two of these in the world. Both of them, owned by the two with matching faces. Y/N gifted it to them on their birthday last year. "Yeah. And I'm still waiting on the suit to match." He responds.

Throwing the belt off to the side, she unhooks his pants, reaching underneath them to feel his pulsing erection through his boxers. "Well, I'm a little busy right now, but I can stop. Bring me my sewing machine." She taunts him, rubbing the tip of his penis with her fingertips. "Don't stop." He shallows harshly, gripping tightly in this necktie that is tied around his wrists.

"That's what I thought." She smirks, getting off his lap, onto her knees. Her tongue finds his abs, making sure to lick every ridge of his torso before pulling his penis out of his boxers.

She wraps her hand around his twitching erection, making sure to look up at him. Her thumb twirls around his tip, knowing it was a weakness of his. His lips curl up as his mouth begins to salivate.

"Stop teasing and just put it in your mouth already, fuck." He huffs, growing impatient as his entire body becomes hotter with every tease.

Y/N smirks at his words, bringing her tongue to the base of the penis, licking it upwards to the tip, swirling her tongue around his girth as he hisses at the sensation. Opening her jaw and throat as far as she could, making sure to plunge her mouth as deeply as she could.

Atsumu's head falls backward on his chair, looking up at the golden chandelier above him. "Damn, Y/N" is all he manages to say as she continues to take him all inside of her mouth. Her head bops slowly, taking the time to stop and lick his length, stopping at the tip, sucking it harshly and slowly before putting it all back in her mouth.

She gags on him, making her eyes begin to water as his penis hits deeply in her throat. Atsumu is a very vocal person, grunts echo his entire office space. The deep moans always turn Y/N on. How her lips alone can make him sound like that is worth a little gagging.

Her motion begins to speed up as she notices his thighs start to twitch. Usually, in this position with Atsumu, he grabs her by the hair, removing her from the sticky impact. However, his hands are tied behind his back, and Y/N's tongue movements are almost too good to stop. "Shit, Y/N, move—" he tried to say before the guttural grunt left his lips. Y/N was only fast enough to move him out of her mouth, but his slimy substance landed on her cheek.

Y/N's kinks are extensive, always willing to try everything once. But the one single thing she refused to do, swallow. Going down on someone she enjoys. But the sticky stuff that comes out, she has always disliked. The bitter yet salty taste, hitting the back of her throat, yuck. She can never get the taste off of her mouth. The slimy sensation she would feel in her throat was something she did not enjoy.

"Shit, my bad, Y/N." he apologizes, remembering back to all the times she strictly said, "don't cum in my mouth."

But at this moment, she isn't completely disgusted by it. It's her fault anyway, she tied his hands behind his chair, and she felt him twitching inside her mouth and didn't stop. "You know, I was going to untie you." She says, looking up to him as his fluids drip from her cheek to her mouth.

His lips mouth the word "damn" as she brings her tongue out of her mouth, licking his sticky substance off her lips. With the salty taste on her tongue, she finds his, flattening his lips with hers.

She smirks, at his dumbfounded expressions, walking to his coat rack and grabbing the handkerchief from his suit, cleaning her face with it. "But now, you'll have to stay like this." She walks back to a tied-up Atsumu, straddling him.

Round two.

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