7. I'm Not Interested

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The sound of the elevator coils moving up and down is the only sound that fills the silence. The two of them, staring at each other, unable to break the silence.

Y/N doesn't get surprised very often, but at this moment, she is at a loss for words.

"You" is all the words Oikawa manages to say as he stands frozen, staring directly at her.

The usual makeup/work attire she usually wears was missing. Oikawa carefully examines her bare face, her sun-kissed skin and rosy red cheeks, her hair untouched, messily yet perfectly placed around her face, and those eyes. The same eyes, with the piercing gaze that looks deeply into him.

So beautiful

"So not only are you a retail worker, you are a door-to-door salesman." Y/N is the first to speak.

The silence did not bother her. It was the feeling she got as Oikawa's eyes locked on to her, the stardust twinkling from his eyes, made her break the silence and the eye contact. "I'm not interested."

"W-what?" He manages to say

"In whatever it is you're selling. I'm busy."

"Hey now, I am not trying to sell anything." He responds, remembering how bubbly her personality is, NOT.

"So what are you then, a stalker? Came all this way for my autograph, no wait, it was a selfie, wasn't it?" She winks at him, mocking him.

"Why are you—Why are you so rude?" He irritably speaks. "Would it kill you to be polite for once, geez?" It was such an odd feeling coursing through Oikawa. How can someone so breathtaking make his blood boil just by her condescending tone?

"Here." He huffs, "Next time if I get any more of your packages, I'm throwing your mail in the trash chute. HAVE A NICE DAY—Maybe get laid or something. Shit." The last part was whispered, but Y/N heard it. Hearing also the overdramatic slamming of his front door.

Well then.

"Is the food here?" Iwaizumi asks as he hears the door slamming.

"I don't fucking know. I'm not hungry anymore."


Y/N was not lying when she told Oikawa she was busy. She was in the middle of getting ready to go to an important business meeting.

As she got ready for dinner, she would reminisce about the man at her door. He was taller than she remembered him being, slender yet muscular. The wide eyes, round and clear. There was almost an innocence to them. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't shake those eyes. The way that his pupils dilated, darkening his luminous eyes, as he got annoyed with the words she spoke. The way he so bravely talked back to her, something she has not to experience in a long time, her lips curled into a crooked smile as she applied her statement lipstick on.

"Yachi, I am going to ask you a question. You must answer with complete blunt honesty." The two of them were driving together to the restaurant, Y/N still puzzled by her encounter with her neighbor. "Knowing the type of person I am, why did you accept this job, being my assistant."

"Well, you sort of demanded it. Plus, it is an amazing opportunity." Yachi replies. Working closely with her boss, Yachi has gotten to understand Y/N's questions. Although blunt, she always asked for a reason.

"It wasn't like there was a gun to your head. You could have declined. There is no contract to your employment, which means you can quit at any time. Instead, you invite me to your lunches with your companions. Why is that?"

"At first, you were absolutely terrifying. And I did think about quitting, running away, going back home, giving up. But Tadashi told me to give it some time, 'try before quitting.' And I dont know, I got to know you better. You are nothing like what they say about you. Sure, you are unafraid, brave, unfiltered. But you are also kind and considerate, a great boss. I just thought since you took a chance on me, I could give you a chance too. I thought maybe, you needed a friend...."

Yachi's honesty is something Y/N was very fond of. She didn't know it, but Yachi reminded Y/N of a younger version of herself. Even though her voice squeaked when she was nervous, and her posture was weak. Inside the small frame and cute ponytails was someone brave. Someone Y/N wished to be more like.

"Did you know Oikawa Tooru is my neighbor?"

Having heard his name only once, she was surprised she remembered the name Yachi gave her the day of their coffee encounter.

Y/N told Yachi about the department store situation, where she told him to "FUCK OFF."

So there is an understandable gasp coming from Yachi's lips.

"He told me I was rude. Can you believe it?" The two of them shared a giggle as they entered the restaurant.

Business dinners are something Y/N has grown used to over the years, countless cocktail shrimps and cheap champagne she scarfed down all for the pleasantries of a business deal. This time though, it was different. It didn't feel like boring business meetings she has had in the past. This time she wasn't alone. Yachi was there with her, making small talk, keeping her company, making y/n feel like she wasn't all alone in a room full of strangers.

Y/N, having dinner with friends for the first time.

Not to mention Y/N's business partners have expensive taste, the alcohol kind. In the past, the cheap drafts and wine wouldn't even leave a dent in Y/N tolerance.

But this night, as she admits that she is genuinely having a good time, the top shelf drinks keep pouring, and the room begins spinning.

It hit her like a moving train, unaware of how drunk she got until she saw nothing but blinking lights and Yachi's sparkling blue hairpin.

"Tadashi, don't drop her!" Yachi squeals. She managed to take Y/N back to her building, thankful that Yamaguchi was still at work. The two of them trudge through the lobby into the elevators.

"Unhand me, you barbaric creature!" Y/N yells.

"We are almost to your flat Y/N. Just hold on." Yamaguchi says, struggling to grab onto a squirming Y/N. "You are absolutely no help at all." He sighs at Yachi as they finally make it into the elevators.

"What do you mean?! I have been holding to this Birkin Bag for dear life since we left the restaurant. Do you know how expensive this is?!" A stressed-out Yachi complains. "Okay, but if you drop that, it won't murder you! Unlike Y/N, not to mention she is probably more expensive."

The two of them sigh in relief as they softly place Y/N in her plush sofa. "Thanks, Yams. I'll stay with her." Yachi wasn't sure if she was overstepping her bounds by staying at Y/N's home uninvited. But she did anyway because Y/N was not in any condition to stay alone.

"I am going to wash up, Y/N. Here is some water for you," Yachi speaks to a sleeping Y/N, adjusting her body to one side, placing a throw blanket on her cold skin, and a bucket next to the plush rug for precautions.

After the most revitalizing power nap, Y/N's eyes open to her living room decor. A little confused but unbothered, there was something she needed answers to. How or when she got to her apartment wasn't her concern at the moment.

She rings the doorbell just once, waiting patiently, staring at the peephole. She slept off most of her drunken state, still a little tipsy. She leans onto the wall for balance.

"What do you want." The voice says.

"I don't believe I was ever rude to you, Oikawa Tooru. I was just simply speaking my mind." She states.

"Okay." He bluntly responds.


"Is that all? Can I go back inside now?"

"No, actually. I am not finished talking." She pushes off the wall, hoping not to fall flat on her face from how fast the room was spinning.

"Are we going to fuck? Or not."

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