5. Are You Two Lovers?

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A week has passed, and Y/N is slowly getting accustomed to her new life, her new routine. Wake up every morning, staring out into the breathtaking view. In the distance past the city limits, the silhouettes of the snow top mountains as the sun slowly rises above them.

If Yamaguchi is working, he makes sure to greet her. On the days he is off, the walk from the lobby to the coffee shop feels quieter and lonely.

Yachi greets her outside the coffee shop every morning with a bright smile and a star pin in her hair. Today it was blue.

At first, Y/N would order two iced americanos, assuming Yachi was a regular adult who enjoys the bitter taste hitting her taste buds. She would drink it with no complaints, but Y/N has grown used to Yachi's facial expressions showing the whole world exactly how she felt. "Don't be so timid, Yachi. If you dont like it, don't force yourself to drink it, that's just ridiculous."

Being polite is one thing, but letting the entire world walk all over you just because you want to please everyone was unacceptable. Humans are self-centered and will not think twice about another person's feelings. That is why an individual has to stand up for themselves. No one else will do it.

"One Iced Americano, and something that has the most sugar content. Add extra whipped cream while you're at it, probably chocolate drizzle too."

Since Yachi's first day, she has always joined Y/N on the ride to work. Waking up early to greet Y/N at her door was not part of Yachi's job requirements, and all assistants in the past have only done the bare minimum. Y/N was cold on purpose because it was easier that way. Some tried to get closer to her, but Y/N kept her distance and pushed them away. But for some reason, Yachi is not fazed by any of it. Even as Y/N spaces off every morning on the way to work, Yachi continues on with the one-sided chatter—because she knows Y/N is always paying attention.

Her squeaky voice chattered the entire drive, every sing day. Not that Y/N minded it. It was a change of pace from the countless years of complete silence. And Yachi has grown fond of her boss's attention to detail, which makes her feel validated for doing a good job. Also, Yachi loves to talk, so it's a win-win.

And lastly, Don't forget, you agreed to have lunch with us today," Yachi mentions as Y/N enters her office. Yachi has invited her to lunch every day since their first day of work, and every time, Y/N declined. "I'm busy." She would say.

In the past, Y/N's presence always turned heads, not in a good way. Nervous employees would eye their boss as she tried to eat her lunch. It was just easier to eat in her office, alone. Then to make others uncomfortable with her being there.

Y/N's excuses were going well until she remembered a detail about Yachi. She was her assistant. The one in charge of scheduling her day, the one who knew she wasn't busy during lunch.

"Your schedule is clear today. Lunch. No excuses." Yachi stated, with as much authority as her tiny body can portray. She held in the trembling and the need to apologize.

"Fine," Y/N says, appreciating Yachi's demanding tone. Y/N did want Yachi to speak up for herself and demand the things she wanted.

I have created a monster. Y/N smiled to herself.

"Why aren't we eating lunch in the cafeteria?" A curious Asahi asks as he follows swiftly behind them.

"Just shush and hurry before she decides to bail on us again," Yachi whispers as she enters the elevator.

From the very first day, Yachi set her mind to befriending her boss. It is not a simple task, especially since Y/N closes herself to everyone. As soon as Yachi tries, another brick wall gets in the way.

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