35. No, silly.

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In every home Y/N has lived, she always chose the least amount of decoration, monotone and bland. Contemporary, minimalistic, with the least amount of personalization possible. No pictures were hanging on her walls, no cheesy fridge magnets riddled with postcards.

Every room in her home looked like the display of a furniture store. Which was the look that she went for. "Just buy the display, Yachi. I don't care." She told Yachi when she was decorating Y/N's home.

The first picture Tooru saw was the one in her office of her grandfather. And even that wasn't hung up. It was hidden in between her books and laptop.

When he initially entered her bedroom, he was preoccupied, not noticing the choice of decor. But now, as she is busy with her nightly routine, he can see it all clearly.

It's much different than the rest of her house. Her home was a perfect representation of Y/N. The outer shell is beautifully decorated but almost too perfect, is a bit cold and unwelcoming. But her bedroom, like Y/N's personality, is totally different. Bright colors, hues of blue, and sparkles fill her room.

Her walls all had paintings on them, but not stock ones. They all felt personal in some way. Local artists she has met through the years, doodles from her childhood, even paintings from the time she went to speak at an elementary school, those items fill her walls.

And on her book self, there were small figurines, trinkets she has collected over her travels and pictures.

So many pictures.

Ones with Alisa and the entire Miya family.

Pictures from her and Yachi's adventures in New York. A recent one from the time she joined the Karasuno trio on their arcade adventures, even if she complained she was too old for child games, the three ignored her and forced her to take photo booth pictures because Y/N had never taken one.

Tooru examined them all, smiling to himself. Y/N's unimpressed facial expression she sports, the one where she tries to hide her smile. But everyone in the pictures, just like he knew, she was indeed happy. Even if she has a hard time showing it.

Out of all the photographs, Tooru was drawn to the one in the middle. It was of a little girl with missing two front teeth. Her eyes twinkle as her gummy smile shines bright. Her tiny child arms hug a woman with gray hair and a smile to match the young girl.

"Who is this, Y/N?" Tooru examines the picture closely. "That's me and grams," she responds. "The small one there, that's my parents." She points at the small sepia-tone wedding photo. There are more pictures in storage somewhere, but it was hard for Y/N to look at the past filled with happiness and glee. It breaks her heart to look at them because no matter how much she stares at them. The Y/N in the pictures doesn't exist anymore.

"Wow. You look just like her." Tooru responds, admiring the picture before placing it back on the shelf.

"Come on," she tugs Tooru to her bed. "Don't act so shy now," She smiles. Tooru was reasonably hesitant to join Y/N in her bed.

"Are you sure this is okay?" He whispers to her. He admits he was shy. The last time they fell asleep together, it happened on a whim. Lost in the moment after they had sex, he hugged her tightly and refused to let go. But now, actually getting in bed together, with the sole purpose of falling asleep. It was an odd sensation for both of them.

"Is it okay with you?" She responds.

"Claro que sí." He smiles, opening his arms for her to lay on him.

"Good because I'm so tired." She smiles, inching her body close to his, placing her head on his chest. She wraps her arms around his body, nuzzling him for warmth.

"Wait, aren't you forgetting something?" He whispers. "Kiss me goodnight."

For two people who were shy about falling asleep together, they refused to leave each other's side the entire night.


"Why are you drinking so much tea, Y/N?" A curious Asahi asks.

"You don't want to know," Yachi responds.

It was the next morning, Y/N was back at work. When she woke up, Tooru was already gone. Not that she was surprised, he told her he had to wake up early, even asked her if she wanted to have breakfast together. But alas his alarm time was even before sunrise, so she politely declined.

Y/N is not a morning person.

This time on the ride to work, Y/N briefed Yachi on her explicit adventures. While Yachi gasped and blushed. "So that's why you sound so horse." Yachi noticed Y/N's raspy voice first thing in the morning, but she thought it was a cold. Having something shoved in your throat would make anyone horse.

"Yachi said I have to, so I don't have a sore throat from all the gag—"

"—Anyways, Y/N. Are you joining us for lunch?" Yachi interrupts. "Or are you going to see him?" She giggles.

"So he mentioned having lunch together, it's not a big deal Yachi." She rolls her eyes. "And besides, don't you two want some time alone together?" Y/N changes the subject, making the two of them stumble at Y/N's question.

During Y/N's R rated night, Yachi and Asahi had their own date night. A PG version.

Asahi was already planning on stopping by the athletic club today to finalize some paperwork, so the three of them set off to lunch earlier than usual. Yachi said she was curious to see the famous volleyball club, and Y/N rolled her eyes, even though she also wanted to see too. See him specifically. Maybe in his volleyball uniform, in his short shorts, setting up some serves, running some laps, or something hot like that.

Unfortunately for her, she had to go straight into the meeting, she was there in business after all.

The hot volleyball player will have to wait.

"Y/N?! What a delightful surprise!" She recognized the man, Tooru's Club manager was one of the men in suits.

"You remember Oikawa right? I'm sure he will be glad to see you. Do you have time? I'll introduce you to the rest of the team."

"Yea of course." She states, playing her part in professionalism. This wasn't her first rodeo, pretending she didn't deep throat the person in question the night before.

The day they were bombarded by the paparazzi, all his manager knew was Tooru's picture was taken with a woman. Y/N's name was never brought up.

"I'm such a big fan of yours!" As the group walks to the gymnasium, the woman with perfectly curled hair whispers. She was one of the people in the meeting. She didn't catch her name though, Y/N wasn't really paying much attention to the meeting at all.

But, she can appreciate a fan, with good fashion taste.

"I hear the gala is going to be the biggest party of the year. Here's to hoping my boyfriend takes me as his date." She winks.

"Yes. That will be just lovely." Y/N continues her monotone professionalism. "Which one is yours?" Y/N asks, looking around at all the volleyball players warming up.

"That one!" She points.

"Iwaizumi? Impossible. There must be some mistake—"

"—No, silly, the one next to him. Oikawa Tooru."

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