The Hike

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Summer 2020

"It's been so long!" Ellen yelled as she ran up to hug her twisted sister. She was breathless with excitement as she reached her.

"I know!" Sandra replied. She wrapped her arms around Ellen.

"With all my traveling, I hardly have anytime to visit home! Who knew a pandemic could have some benefits!" Sandra held Ellen tightly.

They stayed in that embrace for a few minutes.

" I've missed you", Ellen said softly.

" I've missed you too" Sandra replied as she took a step back while staring straight at her.

They smiled at each other. Their eyes were wet. They laughed and hugged again.

After an hour of hiking around Griffith Park and catching up, they found a bench to sit down.

Sandra leaving Grey's impacted Ellen more than she let people know. While they showed the world that they were simply co-stars or just friends, the truth, is that Sandra was her sister. Her better half and the one that for many years was at her side during her hardest moments.

Sitting next to her on that bench, meant that the world was alright again. She grabbed her hand. Sandra turned around and smiled at her.

" Guess who I ran into?" Sandra asked after a while.

" Who?" Replied Ellen.

" Patrick! Sandra shouted out loud. We were both in Italy right before the start of the pandemic and had dinner." Sandra tighten Ellens hand.
"Have you talked to him yet?" She asked softly.

Ellen looked down at the dirt. Her smiled got serious. She narrowed her eyes and with a lump in her throat she replied, "No"

It seems that in the last five years, every time she hears Patrick's name, an overwhelming feeling of sadness comes over her. Sometimes she has to pretend that a wave of sadness does not overcome her but with her twisted sister there, it's different. She's one of the few people she can be honest with about her feelings.

" We haven't spoken since our last phone call" - Her voice cracked. Ellen looked away into the Los Angeles horizon.

"I know we both decided to go our separate ways but when she was born, we promised that no matter what was going on, we would always make time to be with her on her birthday." She sighed deeply. An ache pushed against her heart.

"When she was born, we promised that we would always find each other on that day, that even if it was a phone call, we would take some time to think about her and sing her Happy Birthday" - Ellen said holding back tears.


It was 2006, season 2 of Grey's Anatomy had just wrapped up and Ellen was away in England visiting her sister Suzanne. After a few weeks of sightseeing and sleeping in, she was finally starting to relax when suddenly, an unexpected realization occurred.

"How do I tell him that his whole world is about to change?! Screamed Ellen from the bathroom's floor. Her heart racing and she grasped for air.

" I mean, my whole world too but more his because he is married!" She bit her lips and thought deeply for a fee minutes.

"Hey Patrick, by the way, I am pregnant", Ellen trembled. " Sorry to your wife" She trembled her words and felt sick to her stomach.

"Are you sure it's his?" Suzanne said softly as she knelt down while rubbing her back.

"Yes, trust me, its his", Ellen said fighting back tears. She clutched toilet paper in one hand as she stared at the pregnancy test on the sink.


"She's turning 13 this year!" Ellen shouted as her smiled turned a mile wide.

"Wow, really? It's been that long?" Sandra smiled as she got closer to her and put her hand around her best friend.

"Yes, she is turning 13 this year", Ellen repeated while wiping down her rolling tears and smiling as she remembered her baby's sweet face.

Ugh, sorry this is my first time writing a story. Please comment to let me know if you would like me to continue! Definitely not good at this but the recent Dempeo podcast inspired me! -Kae


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