Past Love

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"Okay, I think we need one shade here to block the sun" Debbie Allen yelled at the crew members.

It was day 10 of shooting Season 17 of Grey's Anatomy. Due to Covid, they were shooting more outside which is how they ended up shooting at the beach.

"Remember, I don't want to see any phones out! We need to keep this quiet!" Debbie shouted again.

"You know, I don't remember her being so yelly" Patrick laughed as he was getting his hair fixed on the trailer.

"Oh yeah, Debbie has really taken over, I love it tough! We would probably not have lasted as long!" Ellen replied as she sat on the chair next to Patrick.

They both continued to laugh as they saw Debbie walking around yelling and pointing at the crew.

While Ellen and Patrick had already been shooting for 10 days, they still felt like they weren't quite comfortable with each other. There were 5 more scenes to shoot and the ones up next had both of them nervous.

As they finished filming for the day, Patrick walked over to Ellen.

"That was great!" He smiled from ear to ear, waving his hands in the air.

"You know, I think everyone is going to love it!" Ellen replied, squinting as she tried to look at Patrick.

"Thanks for doing this again" She replied softly.

"Yeah! No problem!" Patrick said back.

After the stage was packed and everyone left, Patrick sat in his car a few miles down the road. His phone in hand. He wanted to talk to her. Yeah they had been technically talking in the past few weeks but he needed to really talk to her.

He texted Ellen. "You still in the area?"

"Who's this?" She replied.
"Laughing emoji"
"Just kidding!"
"Yeah, just finished dinner with Krista, why?" Ellen responded.

"Funny!"He replied.
"Want to meet me on the beach again? To run over our lines, like the old days?" Patrick texted back.

"Sure, now?" Ellen replied.

"Yeah, going over there now" He texted.

"K. Coming!" She replied back.

He arrived at the beach. He parked his car on a cliff overlooking the beach. He leaned on the hood of his car as he crossed his legs.

She arrived minutes later.

"Okay, but how are we the only ones here with this view!" Ellen shouted as she got out of her car. She walked over to him.

He laughed. Still leaning over the car.

"Thanks for coming" He didn't make eye contact. He continued looking at the beach.

"Everything okay?" Ellen responded softly as she too leaned on the car looking at the beach.

"Remember when I used to call you?" For some reason, I was always looking at some sort of body of water.

"Yeah" She smiled. "You always said you were overlooking something with water, a river or lake" Her head hanging low. She looked at the ground then at the horizon again.

"You know what's coming up next" He turned to her. His arms crossed.

"Our wedding!" She shouted. She laughed but that slowly turned her smile upside down.

They both looked at each other. When they were together before, one of the things they talked a lot about was the what ifs. What if this had happened, what if that had happened. One of those things was their make believe wedding. For some reason, filming a fake wedding was really getting to them.

"Do we really have to talk about this" Ellen said as she felt a lump on her throat.

"I think we have to, if we ever want to get through that scene." He replied quietly.

After a few minutes of gazing straight at the beach, he uncrossed his arms, stretched one of his arms towards her and pulled her towards him.

She wrapped herself around him.

She immediately started crying as she leaned on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her tightly.

They both stayed like that for a long time.

The sun was starting to really set in.

"Are you okay? Are you good?" He pulled her to look at her but she leaned back and continued to lean on his chest.

"Yeah" She said softly.

"You?" She asked.

"Mmmmmm (he thought) I am okay" He replied.

He pulled her so she was in front of him. Her legs over his. She wrapped her arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms over her waist. Slightly lower.

They stared at each other. She touched his face. She could see how much older he had gotten. She leaned to hug him again.

"I miss you" Patrick whispered into her ear.

"I miss you too baby" She replied with her head buried on his neck.

He tightened his arms.

"You feel me?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah" She whispered as she pushed herself more onto him.

After the sun had set and it was dark, he walked her to her car.

"We will be okay" He said as he opened the door, still holding on to her.

Ellen sat on the driver's seat. He closed the door and leaned over the window.

"Kiss me" He said softly.

They kissed once. Twice. Three times and over.

"You always say that, but somehow we are not okay" She replied with a pout.

"Maybe, but at the end of the day, its still just us right?" He looked around and smiled at her.

"It will always be just us baby" He kissed her again.

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