Moving On

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Summer 2020

"Krista, I have an idea for the upcoming season but I need you to talk me out of it, okay so call me back ASAP!" Ellen quickly hung up and immediately started biting her nails.

Patrick's departure from Grey's was not only messy in the media and with fans but also with her. It meant that he chose his family over everything they had together. While their love life was kept a secret for so long, it finally came to an end when he told her he was leaving, not only the show but her. There were many tears shed and angry words thrown but at the end she knew he was doing it for his kids. She knew that his kids deserved a united family, so when the final episode was filmed, she was there. No personal words were exchanged but she was there for him. To support him and to let him know that she understood. After that, they both went their separate ways. She built a family with Chris and he continued with his, they promised to each other that they still contact each other once a year on Emmas birthday, but that pact quickly ended.
Winter 2015

"Okay, so you love her?" Jillian shouted as her voice filled with anger with tears rolling down her face.

"You have no right going through my things!" Patrick responded back, looking at the mess on the floor.

One of his favorite pastime was taking photographs with vintage cameras. He loved manually setting the camera to capture the most perfect picture and developing it later.

For many years, Jillian knew that Ellen Pompeo was someone special to Patrick. Always defending her, always at her side when she needed something. But, she pushed all those thoughts to the side, after all, at the end of the day, he came home to her and no one else.

However, on that Sunday morning, curiosity got the best of her. A fan video of Ellen and Patrick showed up on her Youtube page, since he had just left the show and she couldn't help clicking on it. The video highlighted all the behind the scenes videos of them making eye contact and smiling at each other, as if they were hiding something. She knew Patrick was very protective of this special box he kept in the back of his closet, so when she finished the video, all she could think about was this box.

"How long Patrick, how long have you been seeing her behind my back? Jillian paced back and forth.

"How long, huh? I mean by the look of it, for years!" She shouted.

"Not only were you cheating on me with her , but what about your kids, what are you telling them? That they aren't good enough and daddy leaves our family to go with another women?" Tell me! Jillian sat on the bed sobbing.

"Not good enough? They are my life, everything I do is for them!" Patrick shouted back.

He looked down on the floor where memories of Ellen and him were scattered. Memories of a happy time when it was just the two of them. In all honesty, there were probably a few of them there that should have never been photographed.

"When do you see her? When you are out of town or when I travel?!" She got up from the bed and kicked the pictures.

"I am not seeing her" He calmly responded.

" I haven't seen her since I left the show." He leaned on the dresser.

"Right, because I am supposed to believe that?" She asked, still filled with anger, looking down at the photographs.

"You do realize that I could walk out right now and you will never be able to see the kids right?"

"The kids are getting older and trust me, if a judge asks them who would they rather be with, you can bet they will say me. Then you add these photographs of yours and I will make sure you never see them! No judge is going to think you are a family man when you openly cheat on your wife!" Jillian shouted as she stormed off.

She was right. Patrick thought. What family man cheats on his wife with a married women, even if they haven't seen each other since he left the show, he knew that could not continue anymore. They promises that even if they weren't together, they could call each other on Emma's birthday. But, it was not good for him or for her and he needed to completely cut ties with Ellen, even if that torned his heart. He grabbed the box and through it across the floor.

Ring, Ring, Ring

" Hey Patty! Everything okay? You are a few months early." Ellen laughed as she answered the phone.

"We need to talk, you have a few minutes? He asked as he sat down looking at the photographs on the floor.

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