A Trail Of Emotions

515 19 0

Summer 2020

She did it.

She called him.

After 5 years of not speaking to each other, they finally talked.

While she always loathed about the show getting picked up for another season in public, Ellen cared for Grey's very much. The show was her family, was a part of her. Which is why she pitched the idea of having Patrick join for the upcoming season. Was it a crazy idea? Yes, but she had hope that he would accept. That even if they couldn't be together, they could still be friends. Right?

It was 4:00pm. They agreed on 4 o'clock at the bottom of the entrance of the hill.

Maybe, he was canceling? Ellen bit her lip and checked her phone.

"Nope, no messages" She glanced back over her shoulders.

5 minutes later.

"Oh crap, there's his car" Her heart started beating harder. Her muscles tightened.

Patrick got out of his car, with his grey shades on, carrying a water bottle and his phone in his pocket.

They both smiled at each other from far away.

"You know, I am pretty sure you look exactly the same way since I last saw you! Like I never left" He said with flourish as he got closer to her.

" Ha ha very funny Patty!" Her heart bursted with excitement as she walked over and embraced him in a hug.

"Too soon?" He laughed and kissed her on her cheek.

"You smell good!" Ellen blurted as they made eye contact.

"You too!" He smiled at her.

They smiled at each other and started their hike.

After 5 years, there were a lot of things to catch up on. Kids, work, health, even politics. That is what made their relationship so special, apart from the sex and complicated family situations, they were each other's best friend. They could talk for hours, which they did. Every topic sparked a huge rant and they would go back and forth discussing every detail until they moved to the next topic.

Arriving at the top of the hill.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Patrick screamed as he stood on the wooden bench. Hands up in the air.

Sunset was just starting. They sat down together.

"They say Ireland has beautiful sunsets but when I was there, all I could think about was beach sunsets and how more beautiful they are" He said lost in thought.


"Will you really come back?" Ellen said with hesitation. A wave of sadness came over her.

"Yes...I think its a great idea" His body drooped as he continued looking at the view.


"I told Sandra about inviting you to come back and she said I was crazy!" Ellen's eyes flared with excitement.

Patrick laughed. He stretched his legs out and crossed his arms.

" You know, she should really be the one coming back, I mean, can you imagine the headlines? Everyone will go crazy..... she will go crazy!" Patrick laughed and locked eyes with Ellen.

"Are we okay then, to work together?" Ellen asked humbly with a weary look in her face.

"I think so" He responded calmly. "I mean, as long as you don't hate me"

Ellen saw a glint of sadness in his eyes.

Her throat thickened. " I was, maybe the first couple of weeks, but after that I was fine" She smiled back at him to assure him that everything was alright.

"Only a few weeks huh?" He laughed nervously.

They looked at each other and continued looking at the sunset.

"Can I be honest? Now that you brought it up" Her face harden and sighted heavily.

"I wasn't really angry at you, I think I was more sad than angry, because I know why you did it. Obviously, your kids are very important but I think when I reacted angrily at first, I was really just sad" Ellen took a deep breath as she fidgeted with her fingers.



"And I think the reason I was sad, is because we stopped celebrating her birthday" Tears brimmed her eyes.

"I mean, we promised" Ellen said brokenly.

"And that promise was broken" Ache pushed around her heart. She continued looking at the view.


"She found the photographs" Patrick blurted and sighted heavily.

His eyes misted with tears.

Their eyes locked.

"She was ready to take the kids unless...." Patrick continued.

Ellen grabbed his hand. She wiped away her tears with the other.

" I know, I get it. It was just really hard."


Thank you for reading! I tried to improve my writing in this chapter by adding more emotions and descriptions! Tell me what you think?? Also, is the timeline of past, present confusing? Let me know and again, thanks for reading!!!!:)

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