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"Hey I am leaving for the shoot, see yah!" Jillian waved goodbye as she headed out the door.

"Wait, weren't you supposed to be shooting today?" She added.

" No, they needed to shoot some scenes with Eric Dane first so they pushed mine until next week" Patrick replied as he sat on the couch reading the newspaper on his tablet.

He looked up to look at her.

"Bye" He replied.

Ring, Ring, Ring

"Hey Jeff!" Patrick answered the phone.

"Hey Patrick! How are you? " Jeff responded. He had been Patricks attorney for most of his career life.

"Oh, just doing well, it's Monday so I am here with my dog hanging out, whats up?"He rubbed his eyes and put his tablet down.

"You have some free time today? Will you be able to stop by the office? He asked.

"Yeah, is everything okay?" Patrick narrowed his eyes and sat up from the couch.

"I think its best if I tell you here" Jeff responded slowly.

At the Hospital.

"Am I going to be okay, you look worried?" Emma asked quietly as she laid on the hospital bed folding her arms.

"Of course, you bet you will feel better soon, I will make sure of that" Grace replied as she rubbed her arm.

After pleading with the judge to unseal Emma's birth records, she was shocked to find so little and so much at the same time.

Most of it was redacted. But she was able to find the name of one parent as well as the contact information. Well, some sort of contact information.

She was nervous. After she googled the name to see if she could find a more recent contact information, she was surprised to see what popped up. Maybe things were redacted for a reason.

Back in Malibu

"Come in, come" Jeff waved Patrick in.

"It's been so long, how's the family" He added

Patrick smiled as he sat on the chair. "Oh all good, everyone is doing well, Talula is off to college now!" He laughed merrily.

"Well, I am glad you are good and you are here" Jeff responded.

"Glen, can you make sure to hold any incoming communications, I am going to be busy" He yelled at his assistant as they closed the door.

"Whats up?" Patrick asked as soon as the door was closed.

"I have some news" He responded softly.

Patrick was attentive.

"Someone from Minnesota called our office this morning" Jeff fidgeted with his pen.

"It seems that someone is trying to contact you in relation to the baby you put up for adoption" He added hesitantly.

Patrick gasped for air. He put his hands together, staring straight at Jeff.

He leaned back on his seat and began tapping the chair's arm with his finger.

"Something is wrong with her, isn't?" He creased his eyebrows and brought his hands to his face.

After Ellen and Patrick said goodbye to their 4-year old, they decided to change up the original adoption papers. At first , they had an open adoption. But when they realized they should probably let their baby grow up without confusions, they went back to the adoption documents, redacted and changed most of the original policies. One being that only Patrick's name showed as a parent, to protect Ellen and two, that they would be sealed completely.

"Something must have had to happen for the documents to be opened" Patrick thought.

After a few minutes. He finally sat up, his muscles stiffened. Panic roared through him.

"What did they say" His throat thickened. He could feel his heart beating intensely.

"It sounds like she needs an extensive procedure that she can only get from a family member" Jeff replied avoiding eye contact.

"What kind of procedure" Tears brimmed Patrick's eyes.

"A bone marrow transplant" He replied.

An ache pushed against his heart. "Call them back, by when do they need this procedure?" Patrick replied without hesitation.

"Wait, wait, we need to find more information on this" Jeff leaned over.

"Listen, I have my team looking into this, they are finding out why the documents were unsealed and then we can know what to do" He waved his pen in the air

"But if she needs this procedure today...."

"Listen, give me an hour, my team is finalizing the details, contacting the courts over there and then we can act okay?" He tried to reassure Patrick.

Patrick was frozen with shocked. He sat in the chair of Jeffs office for who knows how long.

She needed him.

She was hurting.

He will be there. He told himself.

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