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"Hurry up!"
"She is going to make us late again" Emma's foster brother replied.

Emma quickly climbed to the back of the van clutching her backpack.

It was spring in Minnesota, the snow had started melting and the ground was green again. Emma looked out the window as they drove to school. The van soon stopped at the local high school and she made her way to get off.

"If they ask you, you say you ran into something okay?" Exclaimed Emma's foster mom as she grabbed the backpack.

" Yes, yes I know" Emma quickly closed the door to the van and walked into school.

It was 7th period, AP Biology was about to start and suddenly Emma felt her arm itch. Not only was she hot, but itchy.

"Ugh" She tugged at her sweater.

She needed to scratch her arm but wouldn't dare to roll up her sweater because of her bruises.

At only 13 years old, Emma was already taking AP and advance courses,  in hopes of graduating early.
" So hot!" Exclaimed Emma while fanning her herself with her hand.

"I seriously don't know how you can wear sweaters all the time" Said the girl right behind her.

" Yeah, me either" Emma said under her breath.

" So, are you sure you want an open adoption?"

"Yes, that's what we both want" Said Patrick smiling while looking at Ellen"

" Okay, we will just be sure to seal your names then" Replied the lawyer.
Fall 2020

"Emma, is everything okay?" Asked her Calculus teacher as she made her way closer to her desk.

" Yeah, my sweater is just itchy" Emma replied.

" Since the pandemic started and were doing online learning, I haven't been able to catch up with you. How's the new foster family? How long have you been with them now? Three months?" Said her teacher as she walked towards her.

" Four months" Emma looked down at her backpack as she packed away her notebook, which also contained two shirts, her comb and toothbrush, a pair of socks and underwear, a thin photo album and a few dollars she had been saving. Not only did her foster parents go through her stuff, she really never knew when she would be placed into a new foster home. For her, it was best to keep her things with her at all times just case she wouldn't be allowed to grab them later.

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