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"How did it go?"Sandra Oh asked as soon as Patrick got into her car.

Patrick sat quietly. He buckled himself.

Sandra put the car on parked

"Are you feeling okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, I am okay.....but I think there's something wrong" he turned to look at Sandra.

"Wrong like what, like I need to take you back in to the hospital because something is hurting, or wrong like you forgot your wallet?" She asked nervously.

"Neither" He responded.

Patrick tilted his head back,pondering of what he had just experienced.

• 2 weeks later, Patrick was back on set •

"Hey stranger! You feeling better?" Ellen peeked into the make up trailer. She was smiling, her cheeks bones lifted high.

"Oh yeah, yeah, all better" Patrick responded. His body stiffened.

" I mean, ..... still not great but better.....Thanks for asking." He added. He felt like his face got hotter and he was stumbling over his words.

After letting Krista know that he had a medical emergency and needed a few extra days to recover, he began pleading with his lawyer to see if he could find more information on Emma. Unfortunately, because he had severed his rights, finding more information on her life was difficult. He knew something was up.

On set that day, they were going to film the scene of them sitting on the log at the beach.

He wanted to tell her so bad but he knew it would devaste her. When Ellen gave birth to her kids with Chris, she swore she would be the best mom she could be. And she was. She was in a good place. He didn't want to take that away from her.

"Ugh, this sun" Ellen said as she squinted.

"No worries, we are bringing the sun shade" Debbie Allen replied.

"Scene 1 out of 5" Patrick told himself as he reached Ellen.

"Okay, people, practice!!" Debbie yelled at the camera crew.

••• Back in Minnesota •••

"Can I tell you something?" Emma asked as she sat on her blood transfusion chair.

"Yeah of course" Grace leaned forward.

"I had a dream last night of them" She replied.

"We were playing at a park, running around, the sun was so bright I couldn't see their faces, but they were there" Emma added.



"Great work everyone!" Debbie yelled.

Filming together was very easy for Patrick and Ellen. The scene called for giggling and laughter but they were already doing it by the time they got to that part.

They smiled endlessly at each other during that scene. Being face to face during that scene made them feel comfortable with each other, like it was just them talking.

Ellen smiled at Patrick as he departed. A shimmering glow in her eyes.

The next day, Ellen was sitting on her patio, a glass of wine in her hand, taking in the sun.

"Hey, you home?" Camilla Luddington texted.

"Your outside, aren't you?" Ellen texted back.

"Hey!!" Camilla screamed from the entrance.

"I would think you would have better security!" She shouted as she walked out to the patio.

"I will now!" Ellen sipped her wine and stood up to greet Camilla

"So, what are we doing today?" Camilla exhaled as she made herself comfortable on the couch.

"We? You mean you because I am not moving my mother fu**** ass out of this sun" She replied.

"Oh sorry, you want some?" She laughed and poured herself another glass of wine.

In the past weeks since they've been filming season 17, Ellen has felt sad, and even exhausted at times. Since she's been filming with Patrick, she's had non stop dreams of Emma and Patrick but while they were dreams, they felt like nightmares and it was exhausting her.

"So Krista said filming with Patrick has been great" Camilla said as she sipped her wine.

"You two...okay" She added, looking straight at her.

"Ummm" Ellen looked down at her wine glass.

"Its......blahhhh" She stuck her tongue and laughed


"Isn't this what you wanted?" To see him again? Camilla laughed and sat up.

"Yes, but I didn't think I would feel shi**y like this" Ellen added.

"How come?" Camilla replied with a serious tone.

"I don't know, so many fu**** feelings back"

"I just don't know if I should be putting myself in this situation again" Her head hanging low. Her eyes moist with tears.

"Everything is good with me, Chris, the kids. We are good and I don't want to mess it up" Ellen replied with a shaky voice.

"But I have been missing them both so much tough" Her voice got quiet.

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