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"So we are not going to discuss this?" Patrick walked behind Ellen trying to get her to look at him.

"Do we need to? We both know this is the right thing to do, Patrick. Seriously, I don't think we have many options here" Ellen continued cleaning the kitchen.

"Right, that's why we need to discuss this. That can't be our only choice". Patrick stopped and stared at her.

"You are married!" Yelled Ellen as she turned around.

"You have a daughter! Trust me, a broken home is not what she needs" Ellen continued cleaning while avoiding Patrick's eyes.

"So, our baby gets the short end of the stick" Patrick said softly.

Ellen turned to look at him. Then walked over to him. At 8 months pregnant she felt like she couldn't do much. She couldn't go out, for fear that someone might see her and she was staying in this tiny apartment that only added to her frustration.

"This baby will be adopted by an amazing family, who will give it everything we can't give. This baby will have two parents that are together and this baby will never know any different" Ellen wiped Patrick's cheeks from the tears that had rolled down.

While she wanted to believe that her baby will have the best life, she feared for the day she had to give it up. But she couldn't let Patrick know. She needed to be strong.

"Baby, this baby will never know any different than the life he or she lives" As she rubbed her belly.

"Our baby will be happy" Said Ellen.

"Will we?" Patrick grabbed Ellen's hand, placing his over hers while both looking down at her belly.

" I am 18! I can do what I want!" Tolula slammed the door and walked into the house as Patrick looked down to his book.

Sometimes Patrick wondered if he had done the right thing by his kids. While they weren't completely bad kids, they just had a different upbringing than most. Were they spoiled? Maybe. But he simply wanted his kids to have the best of life. He never wanted them to suffer, so he always tried to give them everything they wanted or need it.

"Will you be home next week?" Asked Jillian as she walked out the house with her assistant.

No response.

"Patrick! I am talking to you!" Exclaimed Jillian as she walked closer to him.

"Yeah, what? I think so" He kept his eyes on his book, not looking up.

"Okay, well, let his assistant know of the details to the party, we need matching outfits, do you know what they are serving? Jillian turned to tell her assistant as they walked away.

For many years, he tried his best to be happy with his family. Raising three kids and giving them happiness, that was his goal. However, he always felt like he came up short. Like he tried so hard to make them happy, but he was never fully happy. That emptiness slowly started eating at him and he became more distant, from his wife and his kids.

Our Daughter- A DEMPEO Story. Where stories live. Discover now