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He saw her again.

He agreed to do a season of Grey's Anatomy.

He was feeling a sense adrenaline, nervousness and joy all over again.

Patrick got out of his car and walked into his home.

"I am home!" He shouted as he threw his keys on the hallway shelf.

"Hey!" He walked over to the living room to see Jillian writing away notes.

While Jillian and Patrick fought and were distant with each other more often than not, they occasionally had some good days.

"You busy? Can we chat quick?" He sat on the coffee table. His leg shaking as he grabbed his hands and leaned over to Jillian.

" Yeah, whats up?" She peaked over her glasses to look at Patrick.

"Sullivan! I am not going to tell you again, turn that music down, we are not in a rave!" She turned and shouted towards the stairs.

"Please talk to your son, I understand he wants to be his own persona and be different but this music thing, has got to stop!" Jillian clenched her fists and let out a frustrated sight.

"Yeah, I can" Patrick responded softly.

"I need...to talk to you about ...something important" He felt a big lump in his throat as he stumbled over his words. He leaned towards her.

"I was asked to do a few episodes on Grey's, I mean I would be dead, I won't even be alive, I would be an imagination just that and its only for a few episodes!" He leaned back. His heart pounding, hands sweaty.

"Nice, sounds fun! Here?" Jillian looked down and continued writing on her notebook.

"You are okay with this?" Patrick asked quietly. "I thought you would be mad?" He asked.

"No, it's your show, you love it, so go for it"
She peaked over her glasses again. Waving her pencil to make a point.

"Frankly, I think it will be great publicity for you, Disenchanted and now this? Go for it" She looked down and continued writing again.

" I really thought you would be mad." He responded with his hands on his hips. He was very surprised.

" What?!"

"You think, I think you will leave me for Ellen?" She put down her glasses.

"Go ahead, I could care less" Jillian stood up and walked outside towards her studio.

Patrick was left speechless.

So many thoughts went through his head on his way back from the hike with Ellen.

While he had actually already agreed to the episodes, he waited to tell Jillian or the kids, because he thought she would be angry, furious even. She's always disliked Ellen, the cast or even the show. This through him by a total surprise.

"Okay then" He stood up and ran upstairs.

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