Daddy's Little Girl

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Patrick sat in the chair of the hospital, waiting patiently, or semi patiently.

Clammy palms.

Foot tapping.

He rubbed his hands together.

He twisted and played with his ring.

"Thanks for waiting Patrick, I have the results" The doctor sat next to Patrick, holding the test results.

"Good news, you are a match and the procedure should be a success" The doctor added.

"The procedure itself is pretty fast, will get you in and out in half a day and you'll likely be able to get back to your normal routine within a couple of days, but it may take a couple of weeks before you feel fully recovered."

"Okay" Patrick responded as he rubbed his palms on his legs.

"I know you are nervous, but trust me, you have nothing to worry, our procedures are one of the best in the nation" The doctor respond.

"By tomorrow afternoon, you should be all done! Let me get the nurse to get you started on the paperwork" He stood up and walked away.

"What just happened" Patrick thought.

Just yesterday he learned about his daughter's condition. The daughter he hadn't seen since she was four. He told his family he was going to Boston for a couple of days and now he is sitting in the waiting room of a hospital in Minnesota.

Shooting was picking up next week. He still had 5 more scenes to film with Ellen.


Should he call her? She will want to be here for sure. Many thoughts went through his head.

After they said goodbye to their 4 year old daughter, Ellen changed. She used to be a bubbly, cheerful person but a part of her went dark after they signed the revised adoption papers the second time. In many ways she became more serious, somber, reserved. He knew it was because giving up a child was not easy but it changed her completely. While at times she was herself with him, with others she became distant. Her spark went away. The pain that it caused her after giving up Emma became too much and a part of her shutdown. He did not want her to go through that pain again. That grief, numbness, and trauma is something he did not want to put her through.

"I should not call her" He thought, as he put his phone away.

The next morning Patrick was ready to go for his procedure. Two hour tops they said it would take. As he sat on the hospital bed, his mind was simply wondering around. Not even thinking of what was coming next.

"You ready?" The nurse said as she walked into his room.

He jumped.

"Sorry, didn't mean to disturb you" She laughed

A couple of floors below, not in the VIP area of the hospital, Grace sat with Emma as she was getting her blood transfusions.

Emma watched the morning cartoons.

"You know, you always say I'm the quiet one, but lately you barely talk" Emma turned to look at Grace.

Grace was pale. She was biting her lip but laughed nervously at Emma's comment

"How the heck do I act when your father is in the same town, hospital, floor, no, not floor for you?" Grace thought.

Four hours later, Patrick was changing into his clothes. He felt a little discomfort but overall he felt okay.

"Remember, wear the bandage and keep it dry for 24 hours. Don't shower, bathe, swim or use a hot tub. After 24 hours you can get the area wet." The nurse repeated.

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