Oh uh

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" I am going to get you!" Ellen yelled as she ran across the park pretending to be a monster.

" ahhh! " shrieked Emma in laughter.

After baby Emma had been placed in adoption shortly after being born, Patrick and Ellen had opted for an open style adoption. The judge granted them the opportunity to see their daughter one time during the year at the discretion of the adoptive family.

For the first couple of years, Patrick and Ellen visited Emma during the summer. They played with her in the park, pushed her on the swings, and occasionally, were able to give her a hug. Usually, the adoptive dad would spend his time on the phone, so Patrick and Ellen got to really enjoy this time just the three of them. They often left feeling hopeless and sad at the thought of what could have been.

"Do you ever wonder, you know, if we made the right choice?" Ellen asked as they watched their daughter get put into her car seat. She held on to Patrick.

" Yes, all the time" Patrick said slowly as he looked away fighting tears.

After Ellen picked her self up from the initial shock of finding out she was pregnant, so many thoughts raced through her head. " What about Chris?" " What about work?" But most importantly, " What about Patrick?" She fidgeted with her fingers.

She was 4 months pregnant, maybe she didn't realized because work was so hectic, she barely had anytime to think. Or maybe, she didn't want to realize it. Season 2 had just wrapped of Grey's Anatomy's and they were going to start shooting in late August again. That means she was going to be huge by the start of the season

" Maybe, I can have an abortion" Ellen thought quickly but then pushed that thought away. " Its, too late anyway for that" she assured herself while she paced back in forth in her sister's London apartment.

As the plane landed back at LAX, she quickly turned her phone on and tried calling Patrick.

" Hey Patty!" With a nervous tone in her voice.

" Hey, hows Europe?" " What are you bringing me back" Patrick laughed. His smile wide from hearing her voice.

" ha ha well about that, do you think we can meet up? Sometime..... very.... -soon? " Ellen asked shyly wanting to disappear as soon as the words came out of her mind.

" Like tomorrow, maybe?" She bit her bottom lip and  paused for air as she waited for his response.

" You are back?" Patrick replied shockingly.  He pushed the phone against his hear, waiting for an answer.

" Yes, I really want to see you". Ellen replied, tears filling her eyes.

" Sure, what about today? He blurted as he checked his watch.

" Perfect, 9pm? Ellen paused again for an answer. She rubbed her forehead. She was so nervous talking to him.

" Yes!" Patrick shouted with joy.

They both hung up the phone with a smile on their faces. Even tough Ellen's was more of a happy/worried smile.

At her apartment, Ellen walked back and forth for an hour before he arrived, speaking to herself. She had not told anyone she was back. Not even Chris.

Our Daughter- A DEMPEO Story. Where stories live. Discover now