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Fall 2020

"Let's gather around everyone!" Shonda yelled.

"But to not close, let's try to keep our distance" The whole room laughed.

It was August 2020, Grey's Anatomy was about to start filming the 17th season and were celebrating at Shonda's house.

Ellen walked over to the balcony as the sun set in Los Angeles.

"Ugh" Exclaimed Camilla Luddington from behind.
"You know, my daughter is only four, but she is already driving me crazy, I cannot imagine what she will be like as a teenager!" Camilla typed angrily on her phone.

Ellen laughed. She sat down on the couch and continued staring at the sunset.

"Someday, you are going to look back and laugh at her outburst, I promise you" Said Ellen as she grabbed Camilla and smiled.

"Yeah, well not today!" Camilla, continued typing on her phone.

"Do you want to know something crazy? Ellen grabbed Camilla's phone and smirked as she put the phone down.

" I actually yearn to know for what my daughter is going through as a teenager. Lately, I've been seating up out my balcony, like this in the morning, and wondering what she is doing, did she have a good night sleep, how much homework did she have the day before" Her eyes got watery. 

"You are already wanting your daughter to be a teenager? Yeah no, I would totally be thinking of not wanting her to get there yet, cause man, that's a rough time!" Camilla shook her head and grabbed her phone.

"Exactly, I feel thats why I've been so emotional lately. There are so many unknowns and I hope she is not going through it alone" Ellen wiped her tears and continued looking into the sunset.

"But isn't Sienna like 10? Camilla looked up from her phone and saw Ellen's eyes filled with tears.

"11 actually, and that's not who I was talking about"

"Where are you right now?" Ellen asked as she held the phone closer to her ear, and walked on the beach with the most beautiful sunset.

"Europe, but really, London!" Patrick smiled as he looked down to the ground of his hotel room.

"What are you bringing me?" Ellen blurted as she smiled even more.

"I don't know, maybe, a plate with the Queen's face? Oh no, I know, a mug with the Queen's Corgi on it" Both Patrick and Ellen laughed.

"Do you think she is having a good day?" Ellen stopped walking as she waited for Patrick's response.

"Yes, it's a big deal turning 6, you know!" Patrick said as he looked out into the river.

"Lots of balloons, decorations, even fireworks!"

"Fireworks?!" Shouted Ellen in surprise.

"Of course! You can't turn 6 and not have fireworks!" They both laughed.

"Ready?" Asked Patrick.

"Yes!" Ellen yelled as she jumped.

" Happy Birthday to you......................"


"Wait, what!" Camilla looked at her in disbelieve.

"You and Patrick Dempsey?" She shook her head.

"So, so, .......wait, what?!" She shouted.

"Yup" Said Ellen.

Our Daughter- A DEMPEO Story. Where stories live. Discover now