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"Do you think everything will be okay now that Sandra has left the show? Asked Ellen as she held Patrick's hand tighter.


Both Ellen and Patrick walked around a secluded beach barefooted.

Patrick stopped to look at her then continued walking while still holding hands.

" Yes, of course" Patrick swallowed, and got lost in thought.

During the start of season 12, Patrick felt that he needed to make a choice. For so long, he lived in two different worlds. One that was highlighted in the media and the second one, the one where he felt himself. However, he knew one of them was pretend.
After his mom's passing in 2014, Patrick felt like his whole world changed. He suddenly realized that he had the perfect life in front of him and secret dates, secret romantic getaways were simply a fantasy, He needed to put his family first, even if that meant walking away from the person that knew him best, the one he felt the most happiest and safest with. After all, Jillian was pushing a divorce and he needed to act now.

"Hey, thank you for meeting with me!" Patrick said with hesitation as he grabbed a seat in the office of Shonda, accompanied by show runners Stacy McKee and William Harper.

"No, our pleasure Patrick" Shonda said smiling.
"Everything okay?"

"No yes, I am just a bit nervous to be honest" Patrick grabbed his jeans.

" I am leaving the show" Patrick blurted while fidgeting in his seat.
" Actually, I mean not now but I think this will be my last season"


"Is there an issue with a cast member?" Asked William.

"I know that Sandra leaving is big, but trust me, our numbers show it won't affect ratings" Explained Stacy.

" No, no none of that"
" I just feel that with my mom passing, I need to focus on my family" Patrick said softly.

" I am eternally grateful for the opportunity this show, this company has given me but I think its time I move on" Patrick said as his voice cracked and his eyes filled with tears.


"One more push!!" Patrick shouted.

" Ahhhhhh!" Ellen screamed in pain.

"Okay, ready, its almost here, come on, one big push!" The doctor shouted in excitement.
"It's a girl!"

Both Patrick and Ellen looked at each other in disbelief.
Immediately, tears started flowing down their faces.

" Come on over dad" The nurse moved to the side to let Patrick grabbed the baby. They placed her on his arms, and he walked over to Ellen.

"Congratulations to you both, you have a beautiful, healthy daughter!" The doctor said as he stood up and started cleaning himself.

Emma Pompeo Dempsey was born in 2007, in a small hospital in Northern California.

As Patrick placed little Emma on her arms and chest, Ellen continued crying as her first born daughter was finally here, with both of them.

After a few hours, both Ellen and Patrick were in the hospital room, laying on the bed, still staring at Emma in disbelief.

"You think she knows we are her parents?" Asked Ellen as she turned to look at Patrick.

"Of course, see!" He took out the baby's arm and she held onto his finger.

"See, she knows I am her daddy!" Patrick smiled.

Unfortunately, Ellen and Patrick only had a short time with Baby Emma until she would be given to her adoptive parents. The agency they were working with believed that having the birth parents spend time with the baby was important to ensure they were still certain about the process. At any time, the birth parents could opt out and keep the baby.

It was 3am, Ellen still holding baby Emma could not believe that she was in that room. Holding the most precious thing she had ever created with the love of her life. As Patrick was slouching over the bed sleeping, she played with his hair while holding Emma with the other. For a second, she thought about their future, the three of them. But those thoughts were quickly pushed away as she thought about her childhood. Growing up, she told herself that she would give her kids a better life. Even if it was no fault of her own, she would make sure her kids did not grow up in a broken home like hers. A home of stability, a home of laughter and joy is what she wanted for this baby.

"She's beautiful!" Sandra Oh screamed as she walked into the room with a bouquet of balloons in the morning.

"I know, I know, you probably don't want this but come on, she's my niece, I'll give them away afterwards!" Sandra said as she walked over to Patrick holding baby Emma.

"She have a name yet?" Patrick placed Emma in Sandra's arms.

"We did think of one, but it'll be changed later so we weren't sure if to call he that or not" Ellen said as her voice cracked.

"Well, I think she should know her name" Sandra said as she started making funny noises at baby Emma.

For the next few hours after that, all Ellen and Patrick did was cry as they each took turns holding their new born daughter. With only a few minutes left of the agency coming over to pick up the baby, they both felt as their hearts were both racing and breaking at the same time.

" Come, come over, we need a picture together" Ellen said as she waved her hands to let Patrick sit down.

They both awkwardly smiled as the flush went of.

"Are we making the right choice?" Patrick asked as he handed Emma to Ellen.

"We have to do this for her, we have to give her the best life" Ellen said as more tears rolled down her cheeks.

After the agency took Emma and the paper work was signed, the grief and sadness last many hours, weeks, months and years.



"I am leaving" Patrick said.

"Ellen immediately got up from the couch of her trailer and shut herself in the bedroom.

"Ellen, we both know this is for the best!" Patrick shouted as he held back tears.

///// Gosh, this was a longggggg one! Please let me know if I should continue thanks!!! /////////

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