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"She has what?!" Shouted Emma's foster mom from the hallway of the hospital.

"Aplastic Anema" The doctor replied.

"A rare condition in which the body stops producing enough new blood cells. Aplastic anemia develops as a result of bone marrow damage." The doctor added.

" Okay, so when can we take her home? " Asked Emma's foster dad. He ran his fingers through his hair, feeling annoyed.

"Unfortunately, she is in a very bad state. At this point she will need some serious treatments to get her better. While this illness is very rare, there have been some great successes in treatments we can perform in this hospital." The doctor responded.

"Why don't you go with your daughter and we can meet in my office in a little bit to discuss these treatments. I know its a lot so please, don't worry we will get her better in no time, please" The doctor than proceeded to step away as he looked at his charts.

"Great, just great!" The foster mom pressed her lips together. She rolled her eyes and let out a frustrated sighs.

"You know the game is on, and I am betting she did this on purpose" The foster dad sat on the chair as he slammed his fists on the arms of the chair.

From the other room, Emma could hear them.

Her eyes wet with tears. She was scared. What was Anemia Plastic something? Was she going to die?

She felt so lonely in that moment. After a few minutes of panicking, her breathing racing as she tried to wipe her tears with her arm, Grace showed up. She saw her talking to her foster parents then stepped into her room.

"Hey sweetheart!" Graced smiled and said softly as she walked closer to her.

Emma set up from the bed. She was silent.

"Hey, I know this is scary but you are in a safe space okay" she leaned over the bed. She grabbed Emma's hands.

While Emma knew Grace cared for her, she was still not able to be vulnerable with her or anyone.

Emma sat on the bed quietly, keeping all her emotions to herself.

"I am sorry but I think a stem cell or bone marrow transplant will be the best choice. Blood transfusions will be a slow process and her body could deteriorate more. Had we caught this early, that would work but at this stage, she needs immediate relief, which she can get from a transplant"

"You don't get it, that sounds expensive!" The foster dad got ip from his seat. He covered his mouth as he walked away.

"The state will pay, she is a ward of the state so her insurance will cover it" Grace responded in reassurance.

"A ward of the state? No, that won't work. Does she have a sibling or something" The doctor asked with a worry look.

"Unfortunately, she is by herself and no relatives in sight. Why? Is that important? Grace responded. Her eyes big as her nose crinkled in confusion.

"Bone marrow transplants work best when it comes from a family member.... I mean she could go on the transplant list, but that could take years" The doctor replied softly.

"Okay great, so blood transfusions!" The foster dad shouted from the corner.

"Listen, she's bad, we get it, just do what you have to do and do it. The transplant doesn't work so do the blood thing" He folded his arms.

The doctor looked at Grace.

A surge of worry and sadness came to Grace.

"Um, um, let me talk to my supervisor about this" She fidgeted with her papers as she got up.

" For now, let's proceed with the blood transfusion" She tucked her papers into her portfolio.

"Okay, good, nice plan" The foster mom got up from her seat. She turned to look at Grace.

"Listen, are you staying?" We got kids at home and haven't even made dinner yet!" She asked.

"Oh uh, yes, I can, I have to make a few phone calls but I could" Emma replied in disbelief.

The foster parents walked out. Grace grabbed her backpack and proceeded to step out too.

"She's in a bad state, is there really no way to find a relative?" The doctor asked from his desk.

"Um, I don't know. She has sealed documents" I am going to talked to my supervisor, maybe we can file a court order to unseal them because of the urgency, I... I don't know" Grace responded frustrated. She was feeling sad and overwhelmed.

——————Monday at 8am. —————-

"Please approach the microphone" Judge Swenson announced.

"Your honor, I am here before you to talk about a child in need of some attention and love.

Our Daughter- A DEMPEO Story. Where stories live. Discover now