Torture Yourself Less

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Patrick landed in Minnesota.

Shortly after shooting the second to last shot of his appearance on Grey's Anatomy, he flew to Minnesota for the weekend. He needed answers.

Since he wasn't getting anywhere with his attorney, he flew to Minnesota to find Grace. She will tell him what is going on with Emma.

He talked to people at the Minneapolis county office, the court house, The Child Welfare office, human services, but all he found was more red tape.

By the end of the day, he was tired so he walked a couple of blocks to a park near his downtown hotel.

He sat in a bench and watched the Mississippi river go by.

"Heard you were looking for me" Grace sat down next to Patrick.

"How did you know I was here" Patrick responded with a surprise look.

"You were just in the Family Court building, I was there and I saw you head into this direction" She said, as she stared at the river.

"I can't tell you anything you know that right?" She crossed her arms.

"You severed your rights" She added.

"I know that, I just feel like something is wrong and I want to make sure she is okay" Patrick replied, glassy eyes as he began tapping his leg.

"She's out of the hospital, she's good, a couple of check ups here in there in the next weeks but she should be good" Grace exhaled.


"Aren't you worried that people will know you are here asking questions?" She added.

"No" Patrick replied. He grabbed his hands, leaned forward and looked at Grace.

They both stared at the view.

"If you want more, you are going to have to fight with a judge to listen" Grace said.

"And I mean just get them to listen to you" She added defensively.

"The chances of being granted visitation again is slimmed but maybe a judge will hear you and provide you an update on her life or something" She pressed her lips together and got up.

"Bye" Grace turned around and left.

"I will do just that then" Patrick told himself.


It was Monday morning.  There was one more scene to shoot for Patrick's guest appearance on Grey's Anatomy.

Patrick arrived on set. Sunglasses on. Nervous.

He would tell her today. They needed to fight this together.

"Oh my gosh! You scared me" T. R. Knight jumped as he placed a hand on his chest. He was leaving the office trailer.

"Hey! How are you?" Patrick responded with Glee.

Seeing T.R. calmed him a bit. He finished the last if his paperwork and headed for the wardrobe trailer.

He stared at himself in the mirror. "So this is what I am wearing to my wedding?" He told himself. " Well, actually my fake wedding"

He walked towards the beach. His PA leading him to a bed of petals on the sand.

She wasn't here yet.

She chatted with Krista for a while then from a far, he saw her.

"No, no!"

"Cover your eyes!" Krista shouted as she quickly stood in front of Patrick covering his view.

"We need to make this real!"

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