Chapter 41

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                 Camira's POV

"Hey are you trying out for cheer leading?" Connor asked, walking up to me. "No, I wasn't planning on it," I told him. I have one class left and it's my piano class. So I have my book and earphones ready.

"You should," Connor said. "Why?" I asked him curiously. I doubt that he wants any boys to look at me cheering in spankies, and a short cheer top.

"Because Nicole and Natalie are back," he said. That makes sense. Both Nicole and Natalie are my evil twin half sisters. They are both bitches but Natalie is better than Nicole. Nicole is a total bitch, while Natalie is just a minor bitch. They think that they are the queens of cheer leading.

"Fine I'll go to try outs but aren't they today?" I asked him, he nodded. "But I don't have any clothes," i told him. I'm pretty sure that my blue short sleeve blouse, blue jeans, and matching converse won't help me during the try outs.

"I got that covered," he said handing me a bag with a black shirt, yoga pants, and jogging shoes.

"Thanks. I'll see you later," I told him as I put the clothes in my locker, walking away.

I have this class with Jayce so I'm pretty happy about it. I walked into the class just as the bell rang.

"Hey babe," Jayce said walking up to me. My heart started to beat faster. "Hey babe," I said to him, giving him a hug.

"My brother is making me try out for cheer leading," I told him. He looked pretty happy about it. "What?" I asked him.

"I get to see my girlfriend in a cheer uniform," he said smirking. I rolled my eyes at him and sat at my piano.

"Can I watch you try out?" He asked me, I shook my head. I don't even know if I'm actually good at it. Sure I can do a split, but I have to work on my jumps. Especially my pike jumps. I don't want to be embarrassed in front of him.

"I let you watch me tryout. So I have to watch you tryout," he said. I guess that's fair.

"Fine. But you're driving me home," I told him. "Fine by me." He said, smiling.
              Camira's POV

"Welcome to cheer tryouts!" Coach Wilder said enthusiastically. "Today you will be either getting cut or put on the team so good luck!" She said. "All I am going to do is see your jumps. The jumps are the MOST important thing. Tumbling and cheer motions will be done with the girls who make the squad. I'll be putting you in groups, by last name. 'A' through 'J' to the left of the field. 'K' through 'R' to the middle of the field. And 'S' through 'Z' to the right of the field." She explained.

We were in the football field so there was really good space. She started with 'A' through 'J' first. And all of them were pretty much bad except for Natalie and Nicole and a few other girls. And boys.

Then she went to 'K' through 'R' Brooklyn's in that group. All of her jumps are really good, so I doubt that she didn't make it.

Oh god. She's coming to my group. "Okay girls stand up," Coach Wilder said.

"I want to see your hurdler jumps first," she said. That one was easy. I started with my prep, then I bent my knees, then I jumped, putting one leg in front of me and one behind me perfecting the jump. I even landed perfectly.

When we finished she cut at least nine girls from the group. We started with twenty girls. This isn't good.

"Good now let's see your tuck jumps," she said. I started my prep, then I bent my knees, and jumped bringing them up to my chest. The tuck jumps hurt in my opinion. They require too much stomach muscle.

"Great. Now let's see your pike jumps," she said. Oh god. Lord help me perfect this jump.

I did my prep. So far so good. Then I jumped in the air. I kept both legs straight, knees locked, then I brought my arms to a touchdown motion. Then I landed on the ground safely. Thank God.

"Wonderful!" She said. She cut about five more girls, there were only eight girls left in the group.

"Congratulations all of you are going to be apart of this year's cheer squad!" Coach Wilder said enthusiastically.

"The first practice will be tomorrow after school. Bye girls... And boys," she said.

Yes! I actually made it.

"Congrats cheerleader," Jayce said walking up to me. "Thanks," I said hugging him.

"You ready to go home?" He asked me. "Yeah," I told him.

I can't believe that I actually am a cheerleader now. Now I have to work extra hard. This is going to be an interesting year. Especially with Natalie and Nicole here.

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