Chapter 49

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Third POV

Camira pulled out her IPhone 6 and called Jayce, hopeful that he'd pick up.

Luckily for her, he did.

"Hello?" He asked through the phone. "Hey Jayce," Camira said.

"Camira I'm so sorry about what happened between Natalie and I. I didn't mean for it to happen. I want you to know that I never intended to hurt your feelings. I cried last night because of what I did to you. I love you and I hope that you still love me." Jayce said.

"Can you forgive me?" He asked her, you could hear the hopefulness in his voice. Camira didn't give him an instantaneous response. She was feel in her thoughts.

"I forgive you Jayce," she said. The matter of fact was that she loved him, and she knew that he loved her so whatever Natalie did, didnt even matter.

"Thank you so much. I love you I'll see you when you get back," Jayce said.

"Okay bye," she told him. "Bye babe," he said to her hanging up.

Coach Dan gave me this really cute dress and pumps to match with it.

"Okay ready to meet her?" He asked me. "Yes sir," I said. He extended his arm out, and I gladly took it.

We walked downstairs and I saw a middle aged lady. She had ombre hair and brown eyes. In all honesty she was really beautiful.

"Camira this is Savannah. She's my girlfriend," Coach Dan said. Girlfriend? That's not going to work.

"Hi I'm Savannah," she said extending her hand. I don't know her yet, so I'll be polite.

"Hi I'm Camira," I stated happily shaking her hand. I gave her a smile, and she returned it.

Savannah is pretty cool. She's really nice too. She's a doctor and she works at North Side Hospital. She used to be a cheerleader while she was in highschool.

Yeah, I learned a lot about her over dinner. We had steak and potatoes for dinner. Coach Dan is one of the best cooks that I know. Next to my grandmom and my mom.

"Well I have to be going home. So I'll see you both around," I told them exiting the door.

When I got home I noticed that my dad's car was parked outside. Why does he have to be here? My mom should be alone with Camden.

I opened the house door and walked inside. I saw my mom cuddling on the couch with my dad.

"Hey honey," my mom said as I walked I walked in through the door. "Hey mommykins," I said to her.

"Hey Camira," my dad said smiling up at me. "Hey other person," I said walking up upstairs to my room.

Sure it was kind of mean, but I don't think he deserves to be called a dad after what he's been doing to my mom.

The way he treats my mom is unfair. He doesn't deserve her. She's obviously too good for him. I need to get rid of him.

I new a plan. And I need one fast.

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