Chapter 45

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Jayce's POV

I was sitting in the hospital with Camira. I decided to come visit her gramps. We were just talking with Gran, when we heard the heart monitor flat line. I was going to get the doctor, when Gran stopped me.

"It's his time to go," she told me. I nodded, I looked over at Camira and she was on the crying. I understand how she's feeling. I pulled her into a hug as she cried on my shoulder.

"I need a doctor in here," Gran told the nurse that was passing by. The nurse nodded and went to get a doctor.

It took a few minutes for the doctor to come. When he walked in the room he looked at us all with sorrow filled eyes. "I'm sorry for your loss," he told us.

"Don't be sorry, he's in a better place now," Camira said. "I'll have him fixed up. Then sent to the morgue," the doctor told us walking out of he room.

"You kids need to go somewhere you need to get away from all of this. Go somewhere private," Gran told us. Camira and I both gave her a hug. I'm going to take her to a clearing on the woods.
Camira's POV

Jayce took me to this clearing in the woods. When we reached the top, it was absolutely breath taking. I instantly forgot about everything that was going on.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Jayce asked me, I nodded my head. I sat down on ground, Jayce sat down next to me.

"I used to come up here to clear my head. It's the perfect place to just clear your head." He told me, I nodded my head, leaning on his shoulder.

"I love you Camira Sullivan," I told her. "I love you too Jayce Antonio," she said looking up at me. We both started leaning in until we were kissing.

We pulled away after a few minutes. We stared at each other in silence. The moment couldn't have been any better.

I honestly do love her. I'm truly in love with Camira Sullivan.
Sorry about the late update. School really has been a lot of work. And it's prohibited me from coming up with ideas for the book. If you guys have any suggestions please comment them.

I could use your ideas. Your inputs mean a lot for this book. Again sorry about the late update.

I may just start updating every two days. Because I don't want to have your hopes up and I don't update, that would make me a horrible person. And I don't want that.

Until Monday, Bye!

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