Chapter 34

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Sorry it's been forever, I'm horrible. It's just I got my new account and everything, I've been so busy with that, but anyways, I'm here now so please enjoy this chapter, I'll make it as long as possible. (Wow, that was a long sentence)

**Penny's POV**

Well, tomorrow had came and I hadn't bothered to talk to anyone. I came home, made dinner for the boys, then fell asleep in Zayn's room on the floor. He was really the only person I could honestly talk to and not feel angry at, besides Liam, but I didn't know him quite well. Plus he would've probably added on a lecture as to how I shouldn't have done all of it anyways, when I knew now.

"Are you alright?" Zayn asked, as I was cuddled up against his chest, flipping my phone over every few minutes to check for messages. I'd been texting Tobi and Tori, honestly I shouldn't be talking to Tori, since I found out about her boyfriend.

"I guess, I just don't know what to do anymore. I've cried so much, it isn't worth it. Chocolate's not helping, I can't bare to eat, what the hell?" I muttered, fisting his white v-neck between my fingers and feeling like hitting something with a shovel.

"Then don't do anything, wait until whatever comes, comes, and then decide." He told me, then added, "Maybe you should get away for awhile."

"Maybe I should just go away, period." I commented, feeling Zayn's hand raising up to pad along the strands in my hair.

"No, that'd be running away. You can't hide from this forever." He corrected me, pulling me up higher so I was laying across his shoulder.

"I can try."

He kissed my hairline and wrapped a brotherly arm around me, "Just go to bed Pen, think about it later." I couldn't argue with that, I was really tired. I think I should be alright, but maybe Zayn was right, maybe I needed to get away for a while.


"Penny. Penny, wake up." I felt someone shaking my shoulder, but I didn't respond. I was awake, but refused to open my eyes, I knew who the voice belonged to. I didn't bother, just kept gripping the blanket tightly because I was hiding all the anger. I wanted to smack the little blonde boy around the face, knowing what he did and him not telling the truth. Sure, I was relieved I knew now, but I couldn't help feeling the undeniable rage I felt towards him.

"Leave me alone, Niall, before I kick you where the sun don't shine." I felt him back off, but not leave, he remained at the side of bed. He was waiting, plotting for me to get up so he could force me into conversation.

"Penny, please talk to me. What's wrong?" He asked, sounding sincere. Alright, sure, sincere my ass. He knew what he did, he just didn't know that now I knew.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Alright, let's just consider what could be wrong here. You took a girl off the street, raped her got her pregnant, then kicked her out." I screamed, then slapped a hand over my mouth. Shit!

"What?" He asked, looking stunned. I squinted my eyes closed, raising my other hand to cover my face I buried it. I can't believe I just said that. "I have a child?"

I shook my head, not saying anything. He gripped onto my wrists and pulling my chin up to look at him, "Niall, that didn't mean to come out. I'm sorry."

"Jennette got pregnant? Where's the baby? It's gotta be at least four years old! Penelope, this is-"

"No, Niall."


"She got an abortion, she didn't want it, Niall." I yelled, pushing him so he fell on the floor and I went to run for the bathroom. He got up before I could make it and grabbed onto my fingers, cracking them in the process. I let out a squeak as he yanked me onto the floor.

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