Chapter 6

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Hello, thank you for opening yet another chapter of my wonder filled book. I hope you do enjoy it and please remember to rate, comment, and fan. Also, don't forget to check out Tori's book(s) cuz she/they are awesome.

We're kind of in an epic battle to see who can be nicer and get the other more publicity, so go check her out!

She also has my song in her book, and it's awesome and tells the story of her book, and it's her saying these things to Zayn. You kind of have to see it to understand.

Anyways, this chapter may be a little short, but I'm trying for five pages! LNL! Even though it might not make it there..

**Louis' POV**

"So what do you think?" Harry asked, nudging me with his elbow. He was driving, and it scared me he was being distracted. He could kill us any minute and it was obvious he wanted to talk more than focus.

"I liked them." Niall says, behind us. Saving me from the forbidden question, I don't know what it was, but I felt no matter what I would say it would be considered "wrong".

I smirked and turned around to him, "You just like the one with a beanie because she gave you bacon." I winked towards his direction, scooting up farther in my seat to see him better.

He shook his head furiously, "I liked the other one, too. She seemed hungry." He winked and I rolled my eyes, sitting back into my seat and officially sitting. Niall, always had an appetite. Then I thought about, maybe he was being a pervert. I shuddered to myself, after thinking about Niall's old girlfriends...

"Are you going to answer me?" Harry challenged next to be, turning into the parking lot of the small deli that Penny and Harry had decided on. He turned the radio down to hear me better, and I tensed. There was no avoiding it now.

Admittedly, they were both cute. I had a weird connection to the Penny one, she was so... abstract. Not like it was a bad thing, it was cute. I liked girls that were weird, she was corky and I considered it a good trait on her.

On the other hand, the other girl, Tori. She was more of a Niall girl, and he was single. I momentarily pondered that. They would be cute together. I can imagine the wedding now! Flowers, the dress, me as of course the best-man. Then again, Niall would probably pick Zayn for that since they had that bromance thing going on.

"Hello, can you answer the question so we can eat?" Niall whined behind us, prepared to spring from his seat, burst inside and indulge in sandwiches.

"I'm not single, mate." I remarked, slipping on my sunglasses and pulling my hood over my head. It was true, I loved Eleanor.

"I never asked if you were INTERESTED, I just asked what you thought." Harry chuckled, putting on his fake mustache and big glasses, while pulling his hood on. I silently laughed at his failure of an attire.

"Well, I guess she's alright." I sighed, swinging my door open as I stepped out.

**Penelope's POV**

We were waiting patiently as Tori stared contently out the window behind me, waiting for them. We had gotten here a few minutes before they did, and we got a table in the far back. There only a few elders here, even though it was a "hip" place. I guess you never knew though, considering they could be in disguise. And by "they" I meant the paparazzi.

And speaking of disguise...

Tori interrupted my thought with a loud laugh, which startled me at first. I cocked an eyebrow and she pointed to the door. The boys walked in with their heads looking down, trying to shadow they're stance, and I immediately couldn't help but laugh.

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