Chapter 25

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Hello my lovelies, so this chapter should be fun to write, considering the fact that Penny is completely... drunk. Lnl!

Anyways, go follow @12Tori12 because her stories are absolutely beautiful, even though she hasn't written in a month. Forget that though, I'm going to hack her and just write the story the way I want. Lnl.

Enjoy :)

Oh, and there's a picture of Tobi on the sidebar there! (Isn't he sexy?)

And, sorry about the short chapter, but next one brings emotion, prepare your tissue boxes.

**Harry's POV**

After that doorbell ringing, I was the first to reach the knob. I could see the nerves that were prickling at Zayn, he knew where they really went. Obviously it wasn't good.

"Penny, get up!" I heard outside as I turned the knob and looked at a frustrated Tori trying to get a giggly Penny off the ground. She was in a black dress, that looked like it had something maroon colored stain on it. You could smell the alcohol just radiating off her breath.

"Oh God. She's drunk, isn't she?" Liam sighed, pushing past me and going over to help Tori hoist Penny off the ground and over to the couch. We all watched as she limply collapsed onto it, bubbling over in slurred laughter.

"Where did you guys go?" I asked, eyeing Tori over carefully. It was rare where I had seen a girl where a girl with a dress that bright. They had definetly went to a club.

"To that club..." Tori muttered, tucking loose strands of hair behind her ears, in attempt to distract herself from further conversation.

Liam scoffed behind me, crossing his arms over his chest. "Which club?" He asked, cocking his head to one side.

Tori was about to answer when Penny stumbled over, "Congratulations!" She shouted, throwing her hands in the air, "You have won a life time supply of air," She said, then quickly added, "Not valid under water, in space, when dead, or while choking!" She then giggled and latched herself to Zayn, who was clearly finding this all entertaining.

"Penny, you have a drinking problem." Tori laughed, as she began to  pick imaginary bugs from Zayn's hair and then poke his cheeks repeatedly.

Penny looked over sternly, as she made a frown on her face, "If  I had a dollar, for every time someone told me that... I'd be able to pay for fucking rehab."  She then laughed and fell over, slapping her knee as if it where the funniest thing in the world.

"Oh my god, Penny's drunk!" Someone shrilled, running down the stairs and hitting me in the back. Louis.

"Of course she's drunk! Look at her!" Liam said, holding out a suggestive palm to Penny.

Penny giggled, then looked confused. "Hey, what's Obama's last name?" She said, then started swaying around while she wore a goofy grin on her lips.

Louis started laughing, holding onto his knees for support. "Oh my god, this is awesome! Someone tweet about it!" He laughed, patting my shoulder.

Liam sighed as he attended to Tori, "Are you hungry? I'm sure if you were babysitting her you didn't have time for a proper meal." He said, as he headed to the kitchen and searched the fridge for something to eat.

"No, I'm okay. Liam, really." Tori said, stopping him from searching and pulling his arm away from the fridge. He sighed as he ruffled his hair and turned around a little angrily.

Penny looked at Tori suspiciously, before she smiled. "Tori, you need to eat food. There are starving kids in Africa that Angelina and Brad haven't gotten to yet." She slurred, her knees falling out and Zayn nearly falling over, but managed to wrap an arm around her waist and help her back up.

It was clear he was trying hard to keep a grip on her.

"Harry, can you take Penny upstairs and try to get her to go to sleep?" Zayn asked, his teeth clenched together, his arm giving out. I quickly caught Penny and helped her up to her feet.

"I don't want to go to bed!" She whined, as I headed towards the staircase. "I have to puke." She said, as she found strength and climbed up the stairs, heading to the washrooms.

"Shit." Zayn mumbled, brushing past me and heading to the toilets, behind Penny.

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