Chapter 1

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Chapter one! This is indeed a fan-fiction, meaning everything in this story is completely and utterly made up! Except some of the songs and whatever. I'm going to be flipping through multiple points of views, so keep look out for the "**" and changing scenes, I'll usually use "~~" so just to let ya know.

**Penelope's POV**

   I slammed my doors closed, after giving my mom a glare. I grunted and went to my closet, packing my suitcases for the United Kingdom. I threw some jeans into it, and some shirts, panties, and bras. Everything I would need until I had enough money to go shopping there. I threw my leotard into the small pocket, and my socks and my special made dancing shoes, that had the pretty ivory ribbons on it.

I sighed and went to my bathroom and packed up my hairbrushes and things I would need. All of my special hair ties, and accessories, feeling I might need them on a night out, if I could get Tori to come with me.

I grabbed my phone charger and packed it away too. And my lap-top, and my camera, and everything electronic.

I pulled my hair into a high and tight pony-tail. Throwing on some jeans and Vans, and pulling a jacket over my fitting white tank-top.

I zipped up my bag and swung open my doors, the wind caused from it blowing against my face and I pulled the luggage behind me heavily.

"I have my phone on me, if you ever need me. Which you probably won't. I'm going now, guess you might miss me." I said looking at the ground and opening the door.

"Honey, I love you." My mom said, quietly, looking up at me with water in her eyes. She was on the brink of tears, and whether they were real or not, they didn't affect me. She could cry all she wanted, I was doing this.

"Yeah right." I muttered, and stormed out, slamming the door loudly behind me as I went down the elevator, thinking about everything. The whole hallway was dim and it made the mood so much more solemn.

She didn't even bother to try and stop me, she just let me go!  Letting me walk out the door, and inot the world, where I head to the airport, where I would be flown across the ocean, into another country. Onto another continent! Did she even care?

The I thought about it more, feeling like I might regret everything;

Did I really want to do this? I thought silently as I looked down, remembering me and my mom's horrible agruement that had happened early. I didn't even want to remember it anymore.

The elevator above me dinged and I exhaled slowly, slowly stepping out into the lobby. I waved 'Bye' to the guy behind the desk and opened up the doors, letting the cold New York air breeze around me. I shivered silently under my jacket, even if it was a warm jacket, it couldn't completely warm me.

I started strutting towards the nearest bus stop, hoping to catch the one that would lead closet to the airport. I waited about fifteen minutes until one arrived and waited for me to get on and take a seat. I slowly breathed out and climbed, only about seven people on. I pulled out my purse and  payed for my ticket, as I waited for the elderly man who was driving the bus to stamp it.

Once he had, I dragged myself towards the back of the bus, sitting at the window seat and leaning my forehead against the cold glass of the window. I watched as the bustling people and large skyscrapers blurred past me as the bus sped downtown. My breath slowly started to fog up the window, and I smiled, drawing a smile face in it.

Finally it got to my stop and I grabbed my bags, standing up slowly and waiting for the bus to come to a stop, when it did I gave a friendly nod to the polite driver of the bus and headed off, entering the cold weather again. I had about a block to walk until I got to the airport. I pulled out my phone.

I searched through my contacts until I got to the "T" section. I dialed Tori's number, and it rang about three times before she finally picked up.

"Hello?" She said through the phone. I smiled, hearing my best friend's voice.

"Tori, I'm headed towards the airport. I should be there tomorrow before two." I replied, as I waited for her to say something.

She laughed, then says, "In the afternoon right? I'm too lazy to get up that early in the morning."

I laughed too, "Not, it's in the afternoon. God what would I do without you?" I smiled, even though I couldn't see her, I could tell she was smiling too. 

"I don't know. I'm  just that awesome. I'll see you tomorrow. Be safe." She responded.

"Okay, I will. Love you." I grinned.

"Love you too, bye." Then she hung up. I smiled to myself. No, I wasn't a lesbian, but me and her were best friends, so yeah, I loved her.

I sighed and slipped my phone in my back pocket, nearing the airport. I smiled, thinking this was the new beginning. This was my new life. I was going to make it in Bradford, UK. I had to.

Tori was going to pick me up from the airport, and let me stay at her place until I found my own, I had to find a place soon though, because her lease was coming up, and she was getting into something smaller. I had about a week until that happened, or I would end up on her couch.

I finally I reached the airport and entered, it was slightly warmer inside and my goosebumps from walking outside went down a little. I started over to the ticket counter, rolling my trunk along behind me.

I got in line and waited behind a few people. Finally I got to the kiosk, I swear people who worked at airports should be nicer, because she was so snotty.  I handed her my biggest bag, since I couldn't take it on the plane. Finally she let me go and I purchased my ticket to go to Europe. Europe, not North America. I would be a whole eight hours away from New York. I bought a one way ticket, not planning on coming back.

 I headed towards my gate, going through security and what-not. Removing my shoes, and so on. They scanned my bags, and my phone, I had to remove all things metal and jacket. I went through the scanner and waited for them to allow me to go.

After that was finally done, I went off to a bench to reorganize my stuff. I now only had a small computer case and my purse. I slipped my shoes back on, tieing them up and standing again.

I stopped at Starbucks since it was about five thirty in the evening and my flight didn't leave until about six. I got something warm, since I was still chilled from being outside and I needed something to warm my body.

Once that was over, I went towards my flight area, waiting for the plane to be called. It was about five forty five when they started boarding people, I threw my leftover coffee away and got in line, I was somewhere in the back. I put my bag in the compartment, putting my purse underneath my seat, waiting for the plane to take off.

I was going to the United Kingdom, and I was going to get an apartment. I was going to find a job, and make a living. I was going to Bradford to dance, and no one, -not even my parents- could stop me.

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