Chapter 16

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Hello my lovelies! I am sorry for the major cliffhanger, but gotta keep you on edge somehow. This chapter is really sappy and corny but really cute. I just love Nori.

I know all of you are probably like "No, I want Parry, and blah blah blah" but this chapter is needed and I will get to them. That picture is only half of all of the drama that's about to go downn!!!!

Go check out Tori's story 'cause it's awesome and I'm in it. Yeah, and bug her because she needs to update.


**Niall's POV**

Tori and I climbed into the rental car and she turned on the radio. I put the basket in the back, and then pulled out of the parking lot.

Tori looked so pretty, with her cute almost antique looking stlye. She was wearing a lace long sleeve top that was a creamy color. She had on white flat-foot ankle boots that folded over. Her jeans were dark, tight-fitting, and ripped. Her hair was in a cute bun that looked like it was made out of braids and she had a strechy lace head-band that matched her shirt.

I smiled at her stunning outfit. She seemed to notice and blushed, her cheeks rosy.

"So, I imagine we're having a picnic with the basket and stuff." Tori implied, smiling over at me.

I shrugged, "You got me." I chuckled, as I placed my hand on the center console. Tori looked down at my hand and then bit her lip, then drew her eyes away facing towards the window.

I smiled and glided my hand into her's. She froze slightly but managed to crack a smile as she turned back to me. She gripped my hand tighter, squeezing it. I smiled as I spun back to the road and tried to focus on driving.

We drove down to the park, and I parked in a spot and rushed out of my side and went to open Tori's door for her. She smiled at me as I held her hand and helped her out. I went to the back and grabbed the basket.

"So, I have a place for us, and we half to walk a little ways, you okay with that?" I asked, as I grabbed her hand and interlocked her fingers in mine.

"That's perfectly fine." She said, as she smiled. I smiled too as I leaned over to kiss her cheek. She blushed as I stepped back.

We kept walking, as the sun was setting and turning the sky a pretty colored marmalade. Some of the clouds were painted with a purple and Tori kept smiling up at it.

"Isn't it beautiful?" She asked, as she seemed to be sniffing around.

"Not like you." I answered, as I entered the pathway we were going down. Tori grinned wider and let go of my hand, skipping on ahead of me.

She stopped in the middle of the little wooden bridge and spun around. "Oh my god, this is amazing!" She shouted as she danced around.

I smiled at her enthusiasm and ran after her. She noticed me and held her arms open, for me to hug her. I finally got up to her and lifted her up, spinning her around.

"Do you like it here?" I asked, looking into her eyes.

**Tori's POV**

"Do you like it here?" Niall asked, looking into my eyes. I grinned and nodded, kissing his cheek.

"Like it? I love it!" I exclaimed, as I hopped off of him and looked around.

This place was truly amazing. Once you walked in it was a dirt trail that was payed with cobblestones. When you walked up a little there was a bridge made of wood with railings. To the right of it, there was a small pond with some trees that were enclosing it. Then on the right of the bridge was a little stream that flowed into the woods.

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