Dallas Winston

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"Wait move your hand here. Ah, wait I'm stuck" Soda's voice rang from inside of the house. "Hurry up, I'm catching a cramp" he practically screams.

"I'm trying dammit. Move to the left a little; you're in the way" Steve protested.

"What's happening in here?" I ask, walking through the front door and as the boys turn to look at me, they crash.

It didn't take long for me to see the failed attempts at Twister. "CRAMP!" Soda yells, clenching the back of his thigh.

"I told you this was stupid" Dally grumbled, getting up from the arm chair and dropping the spinboard next to the screaming boy.

"Sorry?" I laughed.

"Don't worry about it, it was time to eat anyway" Darry smiled, patting my shoulder. "You hungry? I made lasagna."

"Yum. What's the occasion?" I asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"Dally's off parole" Two-Bit teased from the kitchen with a mouthful of pasta.

"You were on parole?" I spun around to face Dally?

"No. They had me in a holding cell for a couple of hours yesterday for fighting" Dally rolled his eyes.


"Don't worry about it."

I rolled my eyes and continued towards the kitchen and served myself a plate. "So Felisha? What's this I hear about your new boyfriend?" Soda asks suspiciously.

"What are you talking about? I don't have a boyfriend. " I whipped my head around.

"Some girls came to the DX and they were pretty worked up about you going out with their ex" he shrugged.

"Okay so I went on a couple of dates with this guy, big whoop."

"Since when do you go on dates?" Dally asks, leaning against the refrigerator.

"He was nice and cute and I'm single and bored" I argue, putting my plate on the table.

"Who is he?" Dally ask abruptly.

"Yeah, they didn't say his name" Soda egged on.

"It's none of your business" I spit back. "But his name is Michael."

"Michael who?" Soda asks.

"Please don't say --"

"Michael Colt" I finish. Then Dally chuckles to himself and pushes his way to the front door. Soda looks at me with pity and Steve is shaking his head in disapproval. "What?" I ask.

"You seriously don't know him?" Steve asks. I shake my head. "He's the biggest sleaze in Tulsa. Hell, maybe even the state!"

"You're being dramatic" I shake my head.

"He's not wrong Felisha. Girls come in all the time talking about him and his conquests" Soda says softly.

"People can change" I say, standing abruptly. "I like him guys. And I will continue to go out with him. Maybe it's not even the same guy."

On that note, I walk out of the kitchen. "Thanks for the food Darry, but I better get going" I call out. "I have a date."


Michael and I continue going out. There's no way the guys don't like him. He's great! He's kind, and gentle, and funny, and oh so adorable. I really like hanging out with him.

He wants to go to Buck Merrill's place for a party. I haven't seen Dally since he found out about Michael and me. I cringe at the thought of seeing him there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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