Ponyboy Curtis

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>>At The Nightly Double<<

"Lily? Hey, what are you doing here?" my schoolfriend and crush, Ponyboy asked.

"Um, I uhh, wanted to come and see what movies were out. What about you?" I stuttered.

"Same here" he smiled such an innocent smile. Gosh why does he have to be so cute. "Actually, you mind if I join you? Johnny was supposed to come but he cancelled for personal reasons and I don't wanna be alone" he asked.

"Yes, I mean no, I mean-" I stopped. "Sorry, I can't speak. I meant yes, you can join me" I giggled on the outside but facepalmed myself on the inside.

He chuckled. "Yeah that happens to me sometimes too. We should probably find out seats before they're all taken" he smiled.

"Smart idea" I smiled back and the two of us walked to find seats. We found a perfect spot away from everyone else so that it was quiet but we could still hear and see the movie perfectly fine. I hadn't noticed how cold it actually was until I stopped moving around and the cool air hit my skin. I shivered.

"Cold?" he asked.

"No I'm fine. Thanks" I smiled.

I noticed Ponyboy staring at me. "Your lips are purple!" he noted and took off his jacket in an instant. I rejected it.

"Pony I can't. You'll freeze" I stated.

"Lilyyyyy" he groaned.

"Fine but only for a little bit" I gave in. "When you get cold let me know."

"I'll be okay, trust me. I've dealt with worse" he smiled. I nodded and put on his warm jacket. It sure was soft and man did it feel good against my freezing skin! I wrapped my arms tightly around my body. "You're still cold?" he chuckled.

I nodded slowly. He chuckled again, placing his arm over my shoulders. "It's not much but I'm trying here" he smiled.

"Pony the jacket is more than enough. I'm fine" I smiled. His eyes fell for a moment until I pulled myself closer to him and put my head on his shoulder so we were practically cuddled up together. I'm not going to lie, I really didn't want to move. He placed his head on mine. He must've felt my body start to slightly shiver again and he groaned.

"Are you always cold?" he laughed.

"Pretty much" I giggled. "Look, you can have your jacket back. I'll survive" I smiled, removing his jacket from my shoulders.

He stopped me. "How about we just share or something?" he insisted.

"And how exactly are we gonna do that? Your jacket isn't exactly big enough for two people Pony" I giggled again.

"Well I don't know. We'll figure it out" he shrugged. I stared at his confused yet playful eyes and tried so hard not to make any movements. It took everything I had not to just suffocate him in kisses. He smiled and looked down, an obvious blush on the both of our cheeks. "You know, you're really beautiful Lily" he muttered shyly.

I just stared at him. Then, he leaned forward and did the unthinkable. He kissed me. It was slow and steady but comfortable and full of love. Despite the cold air surrounding me, my body felt so much warmer as I climbed into his lap as the kiss escalated to a makeout session. We pulled away around the same time and blushed so hard I thought someone would call the ambulance.

"I guess we figured it out" I laughed and covered both of us with his jacket as we cuddled up in the small theater.

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