Sodapop Curtis

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"Alright class, for your next assignment you will be partnered up; and before you ask, no you cannot chose your partners. Okay so let's start-" my English teacher rambled. I rolled my eyes, knowing she wouldn't pair me with anyone I actually know. "Rachael and Edith. Quinn and Tyler. Sodapop and Sade. Martha and Wendy..." she stated. I anxiously looked around the room. Then, a god-like boy stood up and walked over to me.

"You're Sade right?" he smiled. I nodded, trying not to drool. "I'm Sodapop. So, wanna get started?"

"Um, yeah. Yeah let's get started. You can sit here" I smiled, pointing to a seat next to me."

"Okay, now everyone has a partner. In honor of Halloween this month, I need you to come up with a horror story. No, it doesn't have to be long. About 7 paragraphs minimum. Not too bad right? Right, so the project is due Monday so you have the rest of this week and the weekend to work on it. Get started" she smiled and sat at her desk.

"So, you know what we should write it on?" he asked.

"I was just about to ask you the same thing" I shrugged. "I have an idea. How about we each write down topics for the story and we'll choose whichever one works best" I suggested. He nodded hesitantly and started thinking. He was beyond adorable. I tried to think of topics but I was too focused on that gorgeous face of his; his sharply carved jawline, his nose curved to perfection, his small but shiny lips that he bit when in thought, his reckless blueish green eyes.

I bit the eraser of my pencil as I blinked away my creepy staring. I looked over at his paper. It was blank just like mine. "I can't think of anything" I blushed. He smiled a white smile that could stop traffic.

"Yeah me either. You wanna stop by my place after school and work on this?" he offered.

"Sure but just for a little bit. I have to be home before 6" I nodded, packing my things.

"Sounds good" he smiled. The bell rang and the class hurried out the door.

"See ya Sodapop!" I called. He smiled and waved.

The next couple of classes drifted by. I couldn't seem to focus in any of them however. I was too busy thinking about Soda. I went to my last hour class, only to find out my teacher wasn't there. My class was sent to the gym for coach to watch us and make sure we didn't do anything bad. I hated going to the gym. I knew we wouldn't be working out or anything but I'd rather get my homework done before school was over and it was easier with a desk or table; which the gym didn't have.

The class walked into the gymnasium excitedly as I dragged my feet the whole way inside. But a familiar face caught my attention. There he was, the model himself, Sodapop Curtis. He and a couple other greasers were playing basketball. "Two-Bit over here!" he yelled, waving his arms. I took a class with the guy Soda was talking to. The greaser passed the ball and Soda shot the ball. It went in as he strode proudly around the gym. "Show off"
Two-Bit laughed.

I sat in the bleachers, placing my book sack next to me. I normally would try to get my work done but i was too hypnotized. How could someone so sweaty look so hot? He noticed me and flashed a smile, walking my way. "Sade, what are you doing in here?"

"Teacher wasn't here so coach told us to come in the gym" I shrugged.

"Oh cool. So we still on for tonight?"

"Sure. Your place after school, right?"

He nodded. "Well I gotta go before Two-Bit throws a fit. I'll see you in a bit" he stated, dribbling the ball back to the court.

>> After School <<

The bell rang eventually and a crowd of noisy teenagers nearly knocked me over. I rushed out the door when a voice called my name. "Hey Sade! Wait up!" Soda's voice rang. I looked back but couldn't find him through the stampede. I pushed past everyone and made it to the side. I looked anxiously through the crowd but there was no sign of him.

Then, I felt someone jerk my arm and I was pulled back into the line. A pair of strong hands grabbed my waist and guided me through the people. I would have freaked out, had I not looked back and saw my English partner. "You scared the hell out of me" I laughed.

"Oh sorry" he apologized and let go of my waist.

"No it's fine. I just didn't know who was trying to kidnap me" I smiled. He smiled too as we made it to the parking lot.

"You riding home with me?" he asked.

"If that's okay" I replied.

"It's fine with me. But I'm giving my kid brother and buddy a ride back home as well" he looked down.

"It's fine" I smiled. We met up with who I believed to be his friend and brother. The four of us got to the car.

"I call shot gun!" Soda's brother called, jumping into the front seat. I giggled to myself but stopped once I noticed Soda's expression. If looks could kill, his brother would be dead in an instant. "Fine" the young boy groaned and got into the back seat with his friend. "You're acting like Darry" he complained.

Soda chuckled and got into the driver's seat. "We don't bite" he smiled, patting the passenger seat for me to sit. I smiled and got inside. "Ponyboy, Johnny, this is Sade. We're working on a project together so don't get the wrong idea" he reassured. "Sade, this is my kid brother Ponyboy and my buddy Johnny."

I smiled at the two young boys as they returned the smile. Ponyboy had dark hair with hypnotizing emerald eyes with a face similar to Sodapop's if you really looked at it. Johnny was tanned with jet black hair, a puppy dog's brown eyes, and a sweet but uneasy vibe set to him.

We drove up to a rundown looking house but it was decent enough, considering Soda told me there are 7 guys constantly hanging around there. Once I walked inside, a muscular giant-like man greeted me. "Hey Darry, found a job yet?" Soda smiled.

"Not yet but Dad's supposed to be talking to his boss about me to get me one. Mom's in the kitchen making some chocolate cake by the way" the guy smiled.

"Well Sade and I are going work on a project in my room for a bit so don't bother us" Soda laughed. I smiled and followed him into his room. We worked on the project for a total of 5 minutes before the smell of chocolate cake wafted through the room, catching both of our attention. "I'll be right back."

"Oh no you don't. I'm coming with you" I laughed, knowing he was going to try and take all of the cake to himself. He took off out the door with me close behind. Once I got close enough, I grabbed his muscular shoulders and jumped on his back. He stumbled at the sudden impact but regained his balance and stopped running. "Told you" I laughed, jumping off his back.

He fake glared at me and chuckled. "Cake's ready" a feminine voice called. "Get it while it's hot!"

Soda and I looked at each other and laughed, walking to the kitchen. "Hey mom. This is my English partner Sade. Teacher said we gotta work on a story together" Soda smiled.

The woman flashed a warm smile my way. She was very beautiful and had a kind aura surrounding her. She made me feel welcome. "Nice to meet you Sade. I'm Soda's mom as you can tell" she laughed. "But please, make yourself at home."

I smiled and nodded. She fixed a couple of plates with the chocolate cake and left the room. I took a plate hesitantly as Soda led me back to his room. "You wanna actually get started now?" he laughed. I nodded again and followed.

I plopped down on his bed with him in a chair by his desk. We both took huge bites and eventually finished our plates. I look up to see Soda staring at me. My cheeks turned a hot red in embarrassment. "What? Do I have something on my face?" I asked.

He seemed to snap out of whatever trance he was in and blink quickly. "What? Oh, um" he started. "Actually..." His hand met my cheek as his thumb softly touched my bottom lip. Next thing I know, Sodapop's lips gently hit mine. His other hand met my face as both of mine pulled him closer and ran my fingers through his hair.

The kiss turned into a full on makeout session But was cut short when the door flew open. Soda jumped back instantly into his chair and scratched the back of his neck. "So then the story could end with a plot twist or maybe a cliffhanger" he suggested.

"Don't act like nothing happened. Can you two swap spit somewhere other than my bed?" Ponyboy blushed. Soda and I looked at each other and bursted our laughing.

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