Ponyboy v. Johnny

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Laughter filled the cool air as the boys continuously cracked jokes. I wiped my eyes in laughter and tried to catch my breath.

"Hey, there are worse things than being a waitress. Give the girl some credit" I shrugged. "She has to have good memory, patience, and she has to deal with fools like you guys all day" I smiled, nudging Ponyboy's arm.

Ponyboy and Johnny smiled back at me. "Well it's getting late. Y'all ready to head back?" Johnny suggested. I shrugged.

Johnny and I were supposed to be sleeping at Ponyboy's tonight so it's not like we'd be separated. We left a tip for our waitress and left The Dingo. The entire walk home was filled with more jokes and laughter. Sometimes we'd just stop and stare at each other. Life was good.

"Look at these three" a low voice from behind us growled. My heartbeat quickened and I could feel the tension grow. The three of us turned around slowly.

A grinning face met our terrified expressions and we all caught our breaths. "Geez Dal'. You can't scare us like that" Johnny breathed.

Dally patted Johnny's back. "Sorry, I forgot" Dally replied. "What y'all doing out so late?"

"Heading to my place actually. How 'bout you?" Ponyboy replied.

"The usual. Staying out of trouble" Dally smirked. "I'll see y'all later." And he disappeared into the night.

We arrived at the Curtis residence and figured out our sleeping arrangements. Darry was still kind of hesitant about me sleeping with the boys so I took the couch and the boys had the floor.


"Gosh you're beautiful" I heard Johnny's voice mumble. "Don't deny it, just look at you. I-I'm breathless every time I see you."

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked down at the floor to see Johnny was sleep talking. I smiled. "Aww! Johnny has a crush" I smiled and laid back down.

"I get so nervous around you Taylor. I-I think I'm falling for you. I know we're close friends but I just can't shake the thought that we could be more" he mumbled.

My eyes widened. "Taylor? As in me? He's dreaming about me?" I thought to myself.

Ponyboy began to shift in his sleep, quieting Johnny, and I fell back to sleep.


"Good morning sleeping beauty" Darry chuckled, nudging me awake. "Slept good?"

I groaned and shoved a pillow over my face. The house was left to just me, Ponyboy and Johnny. Occasionally Two-Bit or Dally would walk right in but they never stayed long.

The day consisted of watching movies, cleaning, eating, and other miscellaneous activities. Once, I looked over at Johnny to see him staring at me but quickly looking away. I blushed of course.

Johnny had to go home eventually and we tried to keep him here as long as possible but you know how that goes.

After a very short game of Go Fish, Ponyboy and I got bored. He put on the radio and immediately I popped my head up.

I stood up, grabbed the box in which the cards came in and used it as a microphone. Ponyboy joined in as we sang and danced to every song that came on.

As cliché as it may sound, a slow song came on and Ponyboy's face turned red and he sat on the couch. "I know you're not making me dance alone. Come on" I persuaded.

"I-I don't know how..." he stayed, twiddling his thumbs.

"Then I guess you'd better learn" I smiled, grabbing his hands and pulling him towards me. I moved his hands to the proper position and we swayed in rhythm to the music.

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