Johnny Cade

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"And then you square 2 times negative 7. After that you...." the teacher rambled on and on.

'I swear this teacher could talk forever. I'm not the best at math but I know what I'm doing. She doesn't have to go into every little detail' I thought to myself. I look to my side and saw a boy who looked like he was struggling. He had tan skin and dark, greasy hair that fell over his forehead in bangs with a noticeable scar on his left cheek.

I never really knew his name because he was so quiet in class. He seemed shaken up and nervous the majority of the time, especially when socs came around. I sometimes see my English partner Ponyboy Curtis talk to him around school but other than that, he doesn't say much.

The bell rang and the whole class ran out. I stood up from my seat, picked up my books and approached the shy boy. "Hey, I saw you stressing a couple of minutes ago? Need help?" I asked.

He inhaled and nodded. "I just don't get it. I don't even know why I'm still in school. I'm too dumb anyway" he complained.

"You're not dumb, just confused. I don't blame you either. It takes time. I can help you out after school if you want" I insisted. He nodded hesitantly. "I'm
y/n, by the way. Y/n  y/l/n " I smiled.

"Johnny, Johnny Cade" he spoke.

"Well I gotta go before I'm late to chemistry but meet me outside after school okay?"

"Okay" he half smiled and picked up his things before we went our separate ways. Chemistry was my last class of the day anyway so no one was really focused. Everyone was just ready to get out of that place. I couldn't get Johnny out of my head. His cute little half smile and those adorable puppy dog eyes. I internally screamed at the image I kept replaying in my head. How could someone be so adorable.

Finally the bell rang and everyone ran out the door, including me. I walked outside to see Ponyboy and Johnny talking near the school's entrance/exit. "That's her" I heard Johnny say softly.

"That's her?!" Ponyboy asked in disbelief. "Wow, she's so beautiful. I take English with her" he breathed.

'They can't be talking about me' I thought to myself as I walked closer to them.

"I know right" Johnny smiled. "Look she's coming our way, I gotta go. Bye Pone!"

"Bye Johnny" Ponyboy waved and walked away.

"Hey Johnny" I smiled. "Where do you wanna go to get all of this done?"

"Uh, it's up to you" he smiled.

"Yeah? Well how about the park? I have some snacks in my bag so we can eat while we get our work done."

He nodded and we began walking to the park. On the way there, we made small talk and joked around and I learned a lot about him and his friends. "So that's why you're always so jumpy?" I asked.

"My parents are one reason. I got jumped about 2 months ago. Soda said that they almost killed me" he said looking down, obviously ashamed.

I stopped in my tracks which made him stop. "I'm so sorry" I said and hugged his torso.

"Don't be. It ain't your fault" he stated.

"Yeah but it's not yours either" i said, burying my head in his chest. His heartbeat quickened but not by much. Then, he wrapped his arms around me and we stayed like that for a while before I spoke up again. "We should probably get to that homework" I smiled. He nodded and we pulled away.

We found a spot under a large tree and I finally got him to understand what we were doing in math. We talked for a bit longer after homework about things like how messed up the world is. After getting depressed for a while, I stood up, grabbed his hand, and we began to play on the park equipment. We played like little kids; chasing each other, pushing each other on the swings, sliding together down the small slide.

Eventually it got dark and it was almost time to go home. We sat on the park bench, looking up at the stars with his arm over my shoulders. I rested my head on his shoulder and for once, the world seemed peaceful. "Hey y/n" he spoke.

"Hm?" I replied.

"Can you stay out here for a little bit longer? I don't want to go home" he asked.

"Of course Johnny" I smiled and cuddled up next to him.

"You're really beautiful, you know that right?" he said. "Like really beautiful. And really kind and caring and any guy would be lucky to have you."

"Johnny..." I started. "I haven't really known you long but today has been one of the best nights of my life."

"So I'm guessing we're hanging out again soon right" he smiled.

"Without a doubt" I replied and nuzzled up closer to him.

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