Steve Randle

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"Hey y/n, go inside and tell Soda to come see for a minute" Steve called from beneath a car.

"What's the magic word?" I teased.

I practically heard him roll his eyes. "Please" he groaned jokingly. I smiled and went inside of the DX to find Sodapop restocking the shelves.

"Hey Soda, Steve needs you" I said, gesturing to the door.

"What for?"

"I don't know, why don't you just go and ask him. I'll finish the shelves" I insisted. He nodded and walked outside to meet Steve. I, now stocking the shelves, was secretly watching the two. I liked Steve for a while now but I'm waiting on the feeling to wear off before I do something I'll regret. There's just something about him I can't get off my mind. Lost in thought, I didn't notice Sodapop walk back inside the small store.

"Creepy much?" he laughed.

"What?" I asked.

"You were watching us" he said, trying his hardest not to die of laughter.

"I just wanted to see what he wanted" I protested. "What did he want?"

"....girl advi- I mean help" Soda shrugged.

"Help with what?" I asked.

Soda made a stupid face and flashed a peace sign on both hands. "I don't know, why don't you just go and ask him" he mocked, finger quoting every word.

I sighed and walked to the door. "Oh, and I don't sound like that!" I glared and walked out. "What's taking so long" I whined to Steve, still under the car.

He jumped at the sudden noise and hit his head, letting out a loud groan. "Jesus Christ y/n. A warning would be nice" he stated.

"But I'm bored" I whined.

"Well that's just the joys of working" he chuckled. I rolled my eyes. "You wanna help me out?"

"With?" I asked.

"The car" he said, rolling out from underneath it. "You can use a spare skateboard to help you roll in and out to make it easier."

I nodded and grabbed the skateboard. Steve moved his board to one side of the car, giving room to fit mine. I laid down on my back and rolled underneath the car. There were so many parts I was beyond confused. "What am I looking at?" I asked.

"This, my friend, is what's taking so long" he chuckled.

"Well what's wrong with the car? How are you fixing it?"

"Look, you're gonna take this plug and-" he rambled all about how the car worked and everything about it.

I understood for the most part and simply smiled and nodded the whole time. The majority of the time I looked at how enthusiastic he'd suddenly gotten. "Now you try" he said, completely catching me off guard.

"Um okay. You have to help me out though. I don't wanna mess up the entire car" I said. He smiled and nodded. I furrowed my eyebrows and follow the directions he gave me.

"Good. Now- wait, no you did it. The car's fixed. All we have to do is test it" he cheered. I smiled wide at what I'd learned. "Not bad" he smiled and rolled out from underneath the car.

I followed his action as he held out his hand to help me up. He got inside the front seat of the car and turned the key ignition. The car made an odd sound before smoke emitted from inside the hood. Steve facepalmed himself. He got out and opened the car hood, fanning out the dark smog.

"What's wrong with it?" I asked.

"I don't know yet" he coughed out. "Wait, the oil has to be changed. Do you know how to do that?"

"My dad showed me a long time ago but I need to refresh my memory" I shrugged, embarrassed that I was just about useless to him.

"Okay look" he started. "Go get the oil from inside the shop, Soda know' where it's at. Just get that and meet me back out here." I nodded and did as I was told.

"Car needs an oil change" I stated to Soda.

"Ooh, look Miss Smartypants knowing her stuff about cars" he teased. I rolled my eyes playfully. He followed my eyes' motion and handed me a bucket of oil. "Don't spill it now" he chuckled as I wandered back outside to see Steve hypnotized by the car's parts.

I set the bucket down quietly and ran up behind him to jump on his back. It caught him completely by surprise and he stumbled back. "You're just full of surprises today aren't you?" he laughed.

"Oh you have no idea" I smiled back, getting off his back and picking up the bucket. He took the bucket out of my hands and showed me how to change the oil. I nodded the whole time.

"And now you just pour this in there" he said, gesturing to the car. I squinted my eyes signaling that I wanted him to help me and he chuckled. I turned to face the car as Steve came up closely behind me. He grabbed the container of oil and helped me pour it into the oil filter. "And now it's done" he smiled, moving his hands from the car to my waist.

"That's it?" I asked.

"That's it" he mocked, letting go of me and backing up. "The owner's coming get it in a couple of hours, you wanna help wash it?" he asked. I nodded and we got all of the stuff ready.

The car wash kicked off when I took a soapy sponge and threw it at his back, causing his entire shirt to be drenched it wet soap. "You're gonna pay for that" he playfully growled and chased me around with the water hose until we were both soaked.

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