Ponyboy Curtis

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I had to get out of there. My parents were fighting again and I hated being around them at times like this. I bursted through the front door and began running. I didn't know where I was going until it hit me; the Curtis'! I ran in the direction of my best friend Ponyboy's house with the wind drying my tears. I was almost there when I spotted a blue mustang following me.

"Well well well, look what we have here" a familiar voice called.

"Go away Bob. I'm not in the mood for your games" I snarled.

"Hey, you're not gonna catch an attitude with me!" he snapped.

"Wanna bet?" I snapped back.

"Oh you're gonna get it" he growled before jumping out of the slowly moving car and chasing after me. I was already out of breath from running before but I knew Bob wouldn't give up until he got his hands on me. I picked up my pace as much as I could.

Looking back to see if Bob was getting closer, I bumped into someone and we both ended up on the ground. I looked down to see that I had fallen on top of Ponyboy. "Madison? Hey wha-... were you crying?" he asked.

I wiped my face and got off of him, trying not to do anything stupid. In case you haven't noticed, I'm in love with my best friend and he doesn't have a clue. "No, I'm fine" I sniffed.

"No you're not. What's wrong?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"My parents. They were fighting again. Look it's not that big of a deal. I'll be fine don't worry" I said, completely forgetting the fact that I had socs following me.

Suddenly, Pony jumped to his feet. "What do you want Bob?" he asked.

"The girl. She needs to learn not to catch an attitude with me..... and don't even think about helping her out because you'll end up 6 feet under" he threatened.

Pony didn't move. "If you try to touch her again, you're gonna be the one 6 feet under" Ponyboy growled.

Bob didn't looked convinced. Instead, he and his friends made a half circle around us. I was still on the ground behind Pony when I saw him reach into his back pocket and flip out his switchblade. "Back up" he warmed.

"You wouldn't even consider touching us greaser" Bob threatened.

"Oh yeah? Madison don't move" he commanded. I didn't move as he lunged at one of Bob's friends and sliced his side. "Don't think I won't do worse."

Bob rolled his eyes, trying to act brave, and grabbed his friends to go back to the car. "Watch your back grease, we'll be back" he threatened.

"I'll be waiting" Pony replied, grabbing my hand and pulling me off the ground.

"Ugh I feel so useless. I could have at least tried to help" I complained. Pony chuckled to himself.

"You'll be fine Madison. They were just stupid socs. You don't need to play the hero. Besides, I feel a lot better knowing I can protect you" he smiled sheepishly.

I looked up. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

Pony's face suddenly grew red as his smile grew the slightest bit more embarrassed and nervous. In an instant, his soft lips crashed into mine as his strong arms wrapped around my waist. Then, he pulled away. "I like you Madison... a lot and I've been meaning to ask you..... w-would you like to me my girl?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Of course! I thought you'd never ask!" I cheered and kissed him again.

He pulled away again and took my hand. "C'mon, it's getting late and I have the perfect idea" he smiled and pulled me in the direction of his house. He pulled me onto the flat roof area of his house and we watched the sunset until it was too dark to see.

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