Johnny Cade (Part Two)

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"Gabs... what did I tell you about going into my lab?" my dad lectured.

"I'm sorry dad. It's the last time I promise. I just heard the animals and I wanted to see and-" I rambled.

"You're grounded for 2 weeks. You're lucky I was able to come up with an antidote" he said. I sighed.

"Yes dad I know and I apologize. Are we done yet?"

"We're done" he sighed and locked the basement door. "No more snooping you hear? It's dangerous."

"I know dad. You just said we're done" I laughed. His serious expression lightened as he half smiled.

"Go to bed" he laughed. I nodded and walked to my room.

>> The Next Morning <<

I woke up and stretched my arms and legs. I had to go thank Johnny and the gang. They took me in and kept me safe while I was a baby. Besides, I wanted them to see me as my actual self. I got dressed and rushed downstairs. "Slow down Gabs. Where ya heading?" my mom asked.

"Thank the boys from last night. I probably would have been killed had it not been for them" I shrugged.

"Okay but hurry back, your dad doesn't want you out" she smiled. I nodded and rushed out the door. I passed the lot and followed the path that led to the house Johnny brought me to. I knocked on the door.

"It's open!" Darry's voice rang. I slowly opened the door and peeked inside. The whole gang was in the living room except for Darry who was making breakfast.

"Hi" I smiled. All of the boys spun around to see who'd just entered.

"Who're you?" a couple of them asked.

"Gabs?" Johnny asked.

I smiled and nodded, making my way into the living room. "Minnie's back everybody!" Two-Bit exclaimed.

"I'm confused... what?" Steve asked.

"Remember that baby from yesterday... well this is her" Johnny smiled.

"Wha-How? Huh?" he asked again.

"It's a long story. Everything okay Gabs?" Darry asked.

"Everything's fine. I came to say thanks for taking me in while I was going through that little confusion" I smiled.

"I-It was no problem really. I enjoyed it while it lasted" Johnny blushed.

"Can I speak to you outside Johnny?" I asked. He nodded hesitantly as we closed the door behind us.

"Johnny I-" I started but his soft, plump lips cut me off. He pressed my back against the door, pulling my waist closer to him. I ran my fingers through his greasy hair and grapped his shoulders.

"I-I'm sorry Gabs... I shouldn't have done that. We met yesterday and you were a small baby... wait, does that make me a pedophile?"

I laughed and kissed him. "No because I'm actually 15. Thanks for caring for me while I had that little phase. You comforted me and bought things for me and just treated me like you care and I felt really happy around you. Since I saw you I was starstruck. You probably can't say the same about me since i was a baby but I had to get that out there" I laughed, still holding his shoulders.

His hands moved from my waist to the small of my back and pushed me back into his lips. "How about we get to know each other more?" he smiled.

"I'd like that" I blushed as the door opened behind me.

"Are y'all done sharing breakfast? I'd like to keep mine down please" Two-Bit laughed. The two of us blushed and laughed.


Quick Note:
I would like to reiterate that this was done COMPLETELY based on a request from a follower on my Instagram (@backkinthedayy). This was something wayy out of my box of thinking, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't intrigued at the general idea! Thanks so much for all of the support! You guys have no idea how much this means to me! 💗

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