Sodapop Curtis

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"Just look at them. Soda's just a fuckboy" I groaned to my friend, Megan as we watched Sodapop Curtis flirt with a crowd of girls. "Doesn't he have a girlfriend?"

"No, they broke up. I think it's because she moved away and long distance relationships don't work out too well" she stated, eyeing Soda like a hawk. "Hm, you think he was loyal?"

"Not in the least. Look at him. He flirts with every girl he sees" I almost yelled. "Ugh, I can't even look at this anymore. Let's just get that other guy to fill my gas" I complained. While we were waiting on someone to come out way, the sun seemed to be beaming straight on me so I took off my sweater and placed it near the gas pump...yes I know, smart. Getting impatient with my childish behavior towards Soda, my friend sighed.

"Excuse me!" she said, flailing her arms to get someone's attention. Just my luck, Sodapop started coming our way. "I need gas please. Last time I tried to fill my own your friend over there nearly killed me" she smiled, pointing to another guy with his sleeves rolled up and a crooked tooth.

Sodapop chuckled, showing his perfectly white teeth and reached for the gas pump. "You know, you're really cute for someone who works at a gas station full time" my friend laughed.

"Megan!" I half yelled.

"No it's fine. Thanks" he smiled at the two of us. My heart practically melted. Don't get me wrong, he's gorgeous; but I'd rather not get involved with him.

He filled up the gas tank, flashed his award winning smile again, and walked away. "Now that is one hot mother trucker" Megan laughed.

"Ugh let's just go" I groaned, trying not to smile and getting into the car. As we drove away, Sodapop looked back at us and his eyes met mine. I instantly broke the eye contact and looked down at my feet.

Megan dropped me off at my house and I waved her goodbye. "See you tomorrow" she called as I nodded. I walked inside my home and realized I'd left my sweater by the gas pump at the DX. I ran outside in an instant only to see that my friend was long gone. Great. That sweater was expensive and I was not just going to leave it at some random gas station.

My mom and I share a car and she was working so I sucked in a deep breath and started walker. Don't judge, desperate times call for desperate measures. Thankfully, the DX was only a couple blocks away from my home. By the time I made it there, however, everyone was gone. There were no crowds of girls floating around, there were no cars getting gas, and there were no flawless guys trying to weave their way into your heart.

I looked at the gas pump, only to realize my sweater was gone! "I'm such a dumbass" I facepalmed myself.

"OH WAIT STEVE, SHE'S BACK" Soda's voice rang. He must have been inside the store area. I shifted my weight onto one foot as Sodapop made his approached.

"Were you guys talking about me? You know what, nevermind. Have you guys seen my sweater around here? I left it by the gas pump over there" I shrugged, pointing to where I last had my sweater.

"Actually that's why we were looking for you. I was hoping you'd come back" he smiled, exposing his perfect teeth yet again. I sighed, waiting for him to quit it with his tricks he used on the other girls and just give me back my jacket. "It's in the shop. Follow me."

I nodded and followed him into the store. "Here" he said, handing me my jacket. Then, he tilted his head in confusion. "Hey, why do I get the feeling you hate me?" he asked.

"Probably because I do... well, not hate but I'd rather not speak to you if that's what you mean" I shrugged.

"What? Why?"

"Because you are such a fuckboy! You find a girl... or many, toy around with them for a while and then dump them... at least that's what I believe" I shrugged. "I heard that you got your last girlfriend pregnant and didn't want the kid so you sent her away." His face dropped to the ground and he looked angry yet hurt. "Y-You okay? Look I'm just saying what I was told."

"You really think that's what happened?" he asked, looking down. I nodded very slowly. "Well don't believe everything you hear. I gotta go" he said, slightly glancing at me and speed walking off.

"Hey Soda wait!" I called and jogged up to him. "I'm sorry if I offended you. I didn't mean it."

"Nah, you didn't know it's fine" he shrugged.

"You're right, I didn't know which makes it so much worse. I never judge. How about we get to know each other. My name's Kayla-" I started but he cut me off.

"I know" he interrupted. "I mean um, nice to mean you Kayla" he smiled, obviously embarrassed.

"You know? Wha- how?" I giggled.

"You ask around" he shrugged and scratched the back of his neck as his face became a bright red. "Okay, this is gonna sound super creepy but I've had my eye on you for a while now..." he started.

"Stalker much?" I giggled.

"No it's not like that. I mean like... before I dropped out of school, I would always see you talking to your friends and laughing and I really wanted to get to know you and everything. Of course, there was Sandy but I figured you and I could just be friends. Thing is, Sandy cheated on me and got pregnant for another guy. I tried to convince her to stay and that I could help her but she refused" he said, his breathing stifling as he spoke.

"Oh my gosh Soda I'm so sorry. If I would've know I-" I started but he interrupted again.

"No Kayla, it's fine. I mean, I can see why you thought what you thought but I- I'm not like that. Thing is, I don't even realize I'm even flirting" he chuckled. "I can literally say 'I'm thirsty' and they could think it's the funniest thing in the world. But you're different... I like different. So what do you say, wanna hang out some time?"

"I'll consider it" I smirked, gave him a kiss on the cheek and started walking away as he watched me, smiling like a crazy person.

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