Sodapop Curtis

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"Finally, school is out! That was the longest 7 hours of my life!" I laughed to my friend.

"Ugh, tell me about it. Anyway, I have to go pick up my sister so I'll see you later!"

"Okay bye!" I called. Because i didn't have a car, I had to walk home. I'm not complaining though, I like walking, it relaxes me somehow. The only problem is that today was especially hot and I just so happened to take the long way home.

About 10 minutes after walking, the heat became unbearable and I decided to stop at a small gas station and get a coke or something to drink. I turned a corner as the DX came into view. It was small but i heard people talking about it.... and it's employees.

I heard about this one guy who used to go to my high school; he dropped out for personal reasons that I never found out so he came to work here. I personally never even thought about coming here but I guess that's what greasers have to do nowadays to make a living...drop out of school and work at a gas station nearby.

I'm not going to lie, I feel bad for greasers. I have a nice life laid out right in front of me.... well for the most part. Money's been an issue but I have it easy compared to these people. I'm not a greaser, nor am I a soc... I'm kind of caught in the middle, ya know, middle-class. Anyways, I opened the see-through door and walked inside.

Immediately, I was almost knocked back outside with a crowd of girls the aroma of too much perfume. "Sodapop huh. That's a hot name. Would you like to hang out some time? I'm sure a grease like you wouldn't mind hanging out with someone like me right?" one girl flirted. Though I couldn't see which one said it, I already was annoyed.

"Back off you disgusting soc. Sodapop would never date some little preppy princess like you. So anyway Mr. Curtis, where were we?" another said.

I scoffed and headed straight for the coolers. The smell dimmed slightly, though I still felt as if I were about to pass out. I grabbed a bottle of coke and walked to the crowd of girls with way too much makeup on and approached the counter. "What's the big deal about this Soda guy anyw- whoa!" I thought to myself as I finally got a glimpse of the teen behind the counter.

He smiled at me a, perfect pearly white smile and looked into my eyes. Trying to sound as cool as possible, I spoke up. "Look mister, I'm not here to meet a boyfriend. I'm here to get a Coke. Please and thank you" I smiled.

He chuckled to himself and reached for my Coke. For a moment our hands touched and I wanted to fall on the floor right then and there. "Relax, y/n. You don't even know the guy. He could be a real jerk and you could possibly hate him" i told myself as he scanned the cold bottle.

"10 cents please" he answered.

I paid him and grabbed my Coke. I wanted to stay there longer and get to know him but I wanted to seem cool and like I didn't care. I walked out of the strongly scented station and noticed another guy working on a car. Though his head was almost completely in the car hood I recognized him from school.

"Hey Steve" I waved.

He picked up his head quickly which caused him to head his head on the hood. He rubbed it and looked angrily for who just made him embarrass himself. His eyes then landed on me. "Oh, hey y/n . Why are you here?"

"Got thirsty" I replied. He nodded. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow!" I called and he waved goodbye before returning to the car.

"You know her?!!" i heard the cashier's voice ask from a distance.

"Yeah man, we go to school together" Steve replied.

"Man, she's mighty pretty. You know her name?"

"Hey y/n ! Wait up!" Steve called.

I stopped in my tracks and spun around to see both guys staring at me. I put my hand on my hip and cocked my head to one side. "Yes?" I asked.

"My buddy Sodapop here says you're real pretty. He  wants to get to know you. What do you say?" he coaxed as Sodapop punched his shoulder.

"Depends, can he speak?" I giggled.

Sodapop rolled his eyes playfully and approached me. "Actually, I can and I'd like to talk more after work. Meet me at The Dingo around 6:30?" he suggested.

"Hm, I guess I'll have to take you up on that offer" I smirked. "Sodapop is it?"

He nodded. "And you're y/n, correct?"

I returned the nod. "Well y/n, I'll see you tonight" he smiled and happily walked back towards the gas station. "Steve I did it! I'm going on a date with the most beautiful girl in Tulsa" he cheered. I glimpsed back for a brief moment only to see Steve hit Soda upside the head.

"Man would you shut up and get back to work. You knew she would say yes" Steve rolled his eyes.

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