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"Na? You have been playing all day. Don't you have practice?" Yoonsu stood behind the younger, watching her getting another streak while chewing on the plate of fruits.

"They kicked me out," she pronounced, not having an interest in the conversation.

Yoonsu nodded in sympathy, patting her chair as she exited her room, giving the young girl some time alone. Yoonna sighed, staring at the computer screen that was congratulating her victory yet she felt dejected.

"I should start all over again," she breathed out, staring onto the ceiling. Maybe she could go out and have a walk to find her new interest then.

Feeling determined with the idea, she rinsed her face and went out after notifying her sister, whom bid her out.

She wandered around the streets, looking into a few shops that were recruiting workers. None looked appealing to her liking as she continued to stroll around the neighbourhood.

Pausing in front of a gaming café a few streets down, she scanned the posters hung onto the window, barely stuck on it as a few fell by her feet. Her eyes landed on the bland poster, skimming the content as her lips curved up slightly.

The bell chimed, the waiter at the counter whipped his head towards the door, welcoming the girl in.

"Hello, welcome to our cafe, how may I help you?"

She glanced around the cafe,"Does the cafe need workers?"

"Oh, yea, we are lacking workers. Do you perhaps....?" the waiter, she read his name tag as 'Hendery', asked as he pointed at the poster she held in her hands.

Yoonna nodded, letting the boy guide her towards the back as he knocked on the door.

"Come in," a more mature voice called out and Hendery opened the door, entering the office-like room and motioned the girl in.

"Kun Ge, we got someone interested in working here," the male beside Yoonna said and the man casted his sight up at him, noticing the girl. He halted a moment at her presence and smiled slightly, gesturing to the girl to sit at the chair in front of his desk and took a form out from his file as the boy slid out of the room.

"Please fill in this form and I'll interview you in a bit," he passed her a pen, letting her settle on the chair and complete the form as he arranged his desk.

 "How was it?" the elder inquired as soon as Yoonna stepped foot into the small apartment they rented.

"Found a part time job," she replied, changing out of her sneakers as she paddled on her slippers towards the kitchen. Grabbing a pack of chips, she sat down beside her sister who was scrolling through the tv channel.

"You didn't try applying for any companies?"

She shook her head as she munched, "in the meantime, I'll enjoy my life with a part time job and improve my skills."

Yoonsu paused the movie, facing the younger. "Don't you wanna continue? It has been your dream since you were a kid."

Yoonna hesitated a while before shaking her head. "I'll go back after I improve."
The elder nodded, patting her shoulder as she returned her attention back to the television. 

Hello, just a small update before I start my trials this coming Wednesday 😫

I have a few chapters drafted so maybe I would post it whenever I'm free, but I won't be able to update as frequent as I used to since my trials will be until 7th of Sept and AS exam starts on 10th of Oct for me

Let's focus on our studies for my readers who will be having their exams too, and to the readers that are not having exams, enjoy your time in school and in your life too!

have a nice day and hope you will enjoy the few chapters that I will be updating soon

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